Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 423, 1 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Th«t lbf (ml. tiW(»li»fMir« «MH of tW «r)«r MPlael

m»m«M' to.wpvlr.'Mt Ttt*tM>«MdafwU(taWag«Aabl th» .M<MHii of owitW*w df lnq«i()r <w th* Opiuml Pkk» piell Clm WU KIoMa •WIOmniIMIIIIAOW^ Thtt • U)ml m|U is now ia Md«r »«MMtth»MiW%hm«rtW-pM-dtae," fcr MaHetaM>T —* waatonly iuset ted thgyria a of a df the liak w !abeiled wiih th» name ;*f > W* mmmm M IKmmeM Thataootber aoaio owiog to the Amerieaa iag bsiag boisted o& Poneh Bowl )ull. Oh, my, what aia wodriTiogto? Thai itis woll knowo Ihai Bam wae to have been the first Govera* or of tbe Hawaiian Btate, if he oaold only have iodoeod the Qneea to joio in hia liUle «ame of "eell "em out" tohis UncieSam, for Claue. Yes, Claos. Bam'B reiatione, the Hawaiiaai, are terrib!y d&wn on him for trying t*> play the liUie Joker io the game. That Kawaiahao Churoh will be known hereafier as the old Stooe Theatre. i; . ■; r' v ;-rW : . I-" ; ::v>: :; ;

That the miaoae ofthe Stone Church t has 80 diBgUBted the Bev, Hiram Bingham t aon of the deoor of the GronadB Qpon whieh it built that he had M q« wHh h» &• mily tO Rave his woanded Mingß from being hamwed with ieading nolioee ©f theatrbal and mnneal ent«rtatnment« given in tbe onoe «anctified bmkting. That the Überals had a fall and enthuaiaBtic merti«g. Tbe eandba« Bcare, the Aos«riotn flag on Puneh Bowi HillL wet* folly dilated npon by the Jpeakere. -■ • ■■ . ; . Tbat Polioe Soont Parker wae drapatohed te reeonnmtre tbe ?iel* i nity of tbe flā||«tijroik hmeh-6ovl | Htllye«terdajr, wbkbhftdtbBdreed* | ed anti.royali«t flag flying in tbe hmae. Tbe ▼altant Soo«fet, aiter approaching tbe| poie oareftōly and flnding no formidable foe worthy of bis laseo. <»dered bb aqidi ofo«o to pnll thfe olfending fla« dom. For onoe the flag, wbwe «trtp«B tbra«beß tbe ooean, I» b«fere tbe prow««« o£eee ef : b*r ollloeie* Wheee, ob, wHweweie tbe Keielea te pemH «ttob an ootrage f < «oalit*ua oahine* i« a« pnniooal bdbve tbe OffftTt, oompn«nd >« Mlowa / C latari«r urf CtMi C. W*(aat, foi«ltßpe*e*i;Wer; D. Li liMnu, Li« (Mw; Jm Kak*W«tM, Ck*»WUlB aad TrtBmiUnr. ; :*}Ul a(«Mk. Wkwk,«kM«M*M*. tM n Hi vitt iMaln m mn «f Tkk «r--teaka m whkim &at k«* fM» m |mM li«k .■■ ■■:

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