Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 423, 1 April 1892 — THAT LUAU. [ARTICLE]
W<*he*rd a few emall «itliii£B on th9 Po«t Oflßce at«|>B yMterday malLiDg pooB in tbmr way, ov«r Therw'« Liian. Uulike the pan«ton w« wch* and ean «elio tto geo«ral ?wrdfet that it wae a bonntifal BpFead t at whioh aboat a 150 «e]«ot frWnd« «at down. *niero was no ardent «ptrit« pre•ent and there wa« no need qf any. for hannon? and flow of aool engeadered the best of Bpirite. Unlike the so*called palaee banqaet or baJl tbegatefl were opened to all t even to WileonY epiee who paa«ed op and down. The U. 8. Nary waa and the High Chiefe«a Owana (llieim)—who aocording to the edict of Kamehameha 111 in 1844 (aee Polyne«ian of 1H44) Ukee preeedenoe of anjr of the late lady deni«ene of lolani Palaee, waa ho«> t«i, and p«nonaily «aw to the oomfort of eaeh goeet. Itwa«#ith rBgr«t that «aoh ?kstor took hia or b«r departure v and the v«ry pleasant Ma«eide party seperated ahout do«k.