Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 423, 1 April 1892 — THE BULLETIN HOWL. [ARTICLE]
The Holleiin ha» heen shreek> ing iiHf hoane for montkß past ovf»r conc«aled in«arr«ction. It has al«rmpd the forugQ bond-holder and wnt a treißor Uirough w»rthly P}imnce t and Wall Btreet and tbe Boooe and Lomhard Street are «agerly enq«iring whetber tb«« ien 1 ! a govemment and a feroe in thi§ oo«ntry abte to eope witli tbe HullHin 1 » picture of armed bandita. And jnet when the Bul)etin narrative l% of bnrnt hooaee and out thr*MtB." ai depicted by C. Bumit of th#» Builetin hat itraek terror all ro«nd the gftTfrnmmt, happiiy (ior tbe nervont and tbe ihN%n bondhoJder, etepa in and wkm bare ite um and the byeterioal mot»ieta asd bondbolderi frel tb#t bave at ian, eoeMtbing to iean ageinet. Wi»fiOttt tbe inilitary dieplajed tbeir Mnd or dug up en®e o4ber warlikt> diaplay (be whole RalNn yam inigbt havf tai)ed off into dieinni eil«nre, and the ato<T ōf tbe eour journal aboot RepnMitaniM or nneieiinn migbL_bave faUeni d««'i for witnt »«f any maeneiahle conc?i<«'on, ati , ; .»• foreign hol i r might heee euiddēd in| ba*« for wai»t of anytbing k» lear< *g«titēt and tbe whole eidii Ui%ht b«* laid at tKe{
Ba£M» doer for ite MM ed itß own n»«l<MifaQDic gag. Th»t knānwoa, Coo)t# and Dillißgbam wsre particolarlf aozions to the m gngg=. tSon (aboot the sand) withh®id" was a remarkabl« Btrokeofbosios«i sagticity. We auppoae on the aao*e prin€i|4e-th6f woi>id be« all tho posatogw» sod cr«w of tbe Aoatr»> Im to ptedgē themBeivea to ailoooo, and the Pc»troaater ia Honolola woold gt»motee to.4etaio all of the hondrediB ot letters daring to write sftndL For onnelfeB—aa Iho gentlei»en Biaid<U nol Tiait ba with any re%«Mot ferMtence,—wo Bimplypafeliahed wh«f*l>apgeīH*l, exoneratiaf thofomaioeQt £raei «oy eoiopll* dty ia ai% display, and mm&> iof <w fewO||o readers that iav«stmenle iwi« wore perfectiy Bftfe ae we h&Te oo hoodiom eiement who woold ii\jore life or deetroy vroperty. Weaaailed KaLeo aa oeual to the leoding Joornals and oor aa* Baraneee ia p«int wili have a better eifeot io anticipating aod neutralising tbe false romors of seneationmflngere, than the tdlly silenee imposed by any trio of presB-eeoßore. The il parcel of adventarors" and '*band of freebooierS" ur.ay be (bund among the Palaee favoritie* or the ManhaPa body guard and nowhere else. Will the Court Journal pro▼oke the honest free press of this city to write up Court Life as it is ?