Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 423, 1 April 1892 — That Appoinment Again. [ARTICLE]

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That Appoinment Again.

The appointmeat o! the import ed ll Johnny Crapeau" from the Boatb Sea, ae Deputy Poßt-ma«ter of Ho&ohila is more iiiBulting and outrageooo than al first sight appearB- This man was eo intimateJy allied to the 6ibsonian adminittraixonof the Board of daring tib« wont da?B of U»e old rtgime> that h® wae inoontinently upon iho adTent of the new oonBtitutl<ai party. Hie o«ineoiion wiih thatbranch ef KOvernment did not specially oc»nmend him as either a puriBt or a prodigy. why should he be re-imported, and hoiated over the heads of hundreds of deBerring residentB, both natiye and foreign born, into a ballet that haa gone eapty for Aom yeara, without deUUsam% to tbe public BerTice ? In if appear»ne*e age reiiable as a guide, the preeentroBtmaBt General might, (Iw all he seea»B to be dd&g towards earning hw fat sa« )ary) be muoh more rtaeonably dispensed with, than loaded with an exp«BaiTO and BuperfioouB De-

Wb*t» the MNt of Oiia M». pertation and appeiataießt ? What B6cret mad uahol/ ''poll" doea thie •iien ia iw, retkieooe, 6«a«meat sod intmH possMB over Uie qu*rtette who are drawiog mioistena] sa)aHeB ? £epedally t what is hie u pßil M owr Tm\<m who, iii tbe iniereet chlefiy, ot hia owo &mūy t if administennf the affaire and ditpeD»ng the biilete of the depanaMi wliemo the Poet Offioe is located, Is there a eoeial or official eeandal RNHwbm deaaadiaga maak ln the ehape crf this uowiae ai»d aa. BMril«d appoiataM&t ? Or k th«re poker mom to oamie) that oaa he mwe caaoe!tod at the pub)ieexp»ioethaaatthe coet of teiedMdMhMemdt Co«e neeUemea t epeak<mtt what are aad whwila ere they aapedor to thoae of haadredo o# oar genmae #