Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 422, 31 Malaki 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


INUKPEN I)*NOK 4lir THKOIIUNTAY a. «M* «t»raik*i for Um* ' rigliU mhl pkwnii <»|iiiiiaa* of tit» m* Uw iMpnlMm», w <Wvir« to ratnw llw iiNl#wiV«ce «4 tW lVwmiy Md il«a«Niuw]r ( 1— m tmrt papn hr oT pīix rniirnt tint nnr Tiwii— witli FMca mk) ympcciia> «ith Um l'iiii «| AanHm, W r»vi«f> if, «n •» H» totf*r nmnl l««Mt *«***{ ik*'**! HialHilii mm »xvNmg»oliliw»» * Kwv |

wliMi M\ *mn»*at vul m w#mepsim, tiW*tel ; Udyf!egee toepewla! olmw** U ' nmāenā iwpo**ilUt, by inll; &&&*• **wi m«mAitWT rtirtutw. WttmcCTl<« tu tioMR M>tkik* 7. W« are Ui favor of ikoaw» agneakiur@ a*ni ©ar Miive pmloel*, tUNtrk«* «ste, wool. t«b»r*o, ele. ib«<ild " ipmkM aed loM«9re4 toy m&k&m ; a*d a£eo H n»ast 4«lar ol tfaf- <iovtlf»> rrahiwgte mniēmU p»o* LOUAL H£LF-G<>VgK!* «EST j£jLtL*rT* «W t«i«r iwippiliaii «I monwo for iĪßviilnt mamui ; «owwaee «M «h# mdiiliiiiiiii *< «Mr i «mH». lā «m, lto prM«te *Cl«M»* t «Mi rrttmdNt: ' aaortimport»»t ofth*irleea} oOim, andlervy Iwee for|be pwpeee 1 ImiHwweeele ef s »«W iwuwe. SJi ALL/FAR3ILNCi A.NI) litl!«K P KrKAlilt. W. Tbe inwllen <rft*ir|«ofxii*> 4ea Mtrf«>*adMtt»deftttte olnHeeoe; ihe |MiblK* kDds !*»%> beeii <KWred e»d hav* bee« tted u». in a *VT»adeW t«nviled t<i. <mtt fevontc«, «nd emel aihl t4»ntrr» h*ve heen ilri«ni •»t by rorf¥miUirttB nr «<eiaebituit;o» rai>itaitst»; btit ** eeaall mm-ln*-iv« toth«* !«tabliUr o* th* «neu-, H *)j<ju!«i »»» *mx>urH»ivd t>v « ?*•* mor* lil* ral HomeM«*ed .«•t. bv wlrrii of fruiH (mt«> of *ii<l tlMf *tttietß*ni therw*i) of iauiiW *•! onr pw*ut |iopi:latū>...—a«xl**|w*ieli Jy »f the natJvt. lUwaiia»*. «ho tmv* bw« Wft ahuo*f homeleee ia tkwr«oa«he »oe*.fete. To tnat endi the UovnpajWßt Mki C*eĀ U»de. 1» ier a* r*Tb* d®»* w>SeS invadi»K x**Usd righle ) alMmld hede«*t. : ed ee aoow *■ |—--»tf- t- hiinuitieilii ! aod «oalevtred «pea inllli mi ffw «I uuee for a !oeited panod ! U ehoiikl heUiefnitberai»ol |Be«erer | wm% to, at os«e, to Cm> %he omiim of liwaeiieH; tk«,--leeel t Htne> al and ielieMMllwl,—ee lo pwMe. in ! «H U» dfatHcta, fheap wwmiWwiim- ' i»BlheMda?eli£reei |»«MrKT KLEenmiL RIHUT 1 11, We hohi that e>*itht*ftd hoaeel , Mu»h«nd, attd &ot ihe jßmmdunt «f *«aith 2 arb»t?ari!y &»d, liwinll mnneu tbe r|fht to mM for idih» ai«di« rgpreenrt*tnt», iwt ,m mn weer , ahowld b» araordnllo tIM» bei)otof Ihe i neh atti thaai to the balk* of |h« i |»oo« mao. Tbe di«mmiwrtioi» in favor of v*alth »ow BMde ia oar Or*fltitatin* *e«witrarj'toall the H«r»ai pmHpiee : of niuU mml j«Mtke x a»lmi«eibeitfeMbh* ed. To this e*d, vtll iav?r & hwii»« of the p«eae»t Oi*ti»ctfcm of w«Oth , aiw Haaeee wkieh hlaenieh o«ur lewe with remetofthe richl to«4»far w I tfcSThawhemmM^ae^H*^ I INTERNAL UfPftOV£lt&TO* | li Wefevorlhe eepeMimefe«A- ** mmuo antVjuos. —__ .«* Better lemehonM the CK vU Serrlee. The piiwiph ef «he «■*>. %km ef eAeeee «f ihe «ww*t by m etathl he aHwni i» hoM MwahMM be I" 1 * ■li!Uih>d nwweww TOTHK LA»UORIIIU OLA«BSS j t «sA My **£S*mHtef wlsSĒi [ «d\MleKftire le peml »C farthev te» «Weh «01 hriac H hl» a rnani «*d <HJinilUni oaei|cUtha «ith trw Ri«a «I or «hM» laher. We **»! «ha. « H» iatmrt ef ihe hWii mihe of ihe |mw, eeh hr aan> lihmi of tholr preptny fnw hNftl.«ab «a «t aed www i»