Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 422, 31 Malaki 1892 — A Good Cause For Discontent. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Good Cause For Discontent.

Tiu! a v^er• atlll hi^lij o(8ci.»l. nho cri'|>i irvv» •«ilio»* hyi «jtec*M! i'i I tr»vi« , li«'r\v is ah<iut t»> • *<j«l Ut !iij \rv Hy ih!»tAji:;e • Hi u •• i f«»r•' 1 / »-r 'rriv«Hl» froti; i I» »>'11«*. • < i.,\ J J r 'ui«'rl l'iil'k ; if* 4 {»dv ov*r- i stTM ; ;!»♦» f • h it :t»v Huwai-1 inn v >•}: hy ' .')*♦»r f* r»" l *nf ••' h r •>( njN*n| Hrtr aA' h . ' !ll < ♦ \ :* ■ . k »"r <■

lof tbe young oi' our ewn eoaa-! try. ; i Will thfrv thv crtepinf« t*o faced metho<ls of ;thi» nnlipa-; dean sxho liub worn«-d' himaeil into their confidence, arul j and sanetk>n the apoointnaent, man who hae Wii iruporied froiu j a French Colony. while there are Haw&iians in the country t of faQiily, I rwpe«tabilUy and ability, who ai»; ! fir»t entiUed to such offioes. lf ao, | Ka Lao, aa the ehampion of yoong j Hawaii, will elenoanee tne CaU*j ne( ix» most nnmeasured terms,and will cmte an agitation for Ule re» movai of the tricky antipodean, whowhile undonbtedly oc»npetent M «i o£klal is proving birase]f nnworthy of a puhlie offioe in a līawaimn government. Tbe offioe tieprakled over i» already fitl«d wiih aliene who are noi eadUed to i U>eir high podtkm and fat salariaa.! oown with treachery tniciilenoy | and syoophancy and kt tta stand; out for Hawaiian i n prefer6no* to! imported aliena. ■ '