Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 422, 31 Malaki 1892 — OFFICIAL SILENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The officiai journ&l of ihe Court and the Mini»trv is the Daily Rulletin, aad it mty therefore be expected tc mainUun a diacreet silenoe oei Ihe foible» and follie« of iU ownere. The absolut* «ilenoe of the Bulleiin ia Oie matter of tke Palaoe aacd-bag barhead«, ia but 00« more 7emhhier of .lho faet that we iive in ao age of Z..*a It ia bad <a»ough for \he imK-M to b**e a mort|?on cmr fm wilh Ihe ad* ditk>n of a f(MC of aame breed ttf moaopoliala Iwlai We to dic« tbe pab!ic, and «rkftt aball be with-, Md. Hone>t oriHiilwa of poblic meo te tMr > \otkr puUio, ia, m • matter fiwt, 00 part of tbe feoaiiM«a of a Tru«t Newapaper. ] even thougb monopoly should be ahle to rear it <m aconcrete foundation, it wiil be fer all praoticai 2>urpoM» of mouldin« public opi nion—as powwlew as tbt papvim b an R|Qrptlan naroopbagu(i.