Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 422, 31 March 1892 — Page 4
This text was transcribed by: | Toni Lynne Kaefferlein |
This work is dedicated to: | Elizabeth Sherman Allyn |
"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."
John E. Bush
Luna Hooponopono a me Puuku.
THURSDAY, MARCH. 31, 1892.
The order and arrangements made by Mr. Z. S. Spalding of Kealia, Kauai, to have the sugar from the Waihee Plantation, Maui, shipped directly from the port of Kahului to San Francisco, ia a step in the right direction, in securing economy in the management and sucessful production of sugar. As we have often stated, sugar can be raised and manufactured profitably in Hawaii nei, if conducted on the legitimate basis that other businesses are started upon, as in other sugar producing countries in the world. The complaint made about the disruption and complete prostration of the sugar industry we are assured is unfounded.
We hope when the great desire to amass sudden wealth on borrowed capital and total ignorance of the business has received its proper check, and a weeding out of the weaklings who are loudest to cry for help has taken place, that the sugar industry will be worked upon proper business lines, and that those engaged in it will curb their lust for sudden wealth, and restrict themselves to a reasonable profit from sugar culture. This cry of distress from our planters is like the cry of a petted child, and should be discouraged.
The official journal of the Court and the Ministry is the Daily Bulletin, and it may therefore be expected to maintain a discreet silence on the foibles and follies of its owners.
The absolute silence of the Bulletin in the matter of the Palace sand-bag barricade, is but one more reminder of the fact that we live in an age of "...sts. It is bad enough for the meat-trust to have a mortgage on our stomachs, with the addition of a gang of the same breed of monopolists being able to dictate what news shall be given to the public, and what shall be withheld. Honest criticism of public men in their relation to the public, is, as a matter of fact, no part of the business of a Trust Newspaper, and even though monopoly should be able to rear it on a concrete foundation it will be - for all practical purposes of moulding live public opinion - as powerless as the papyrus in an Egyptian sarcophagus.
A clerk in one of our banking houses, is reported as having gone around to engage recruits for Company R. Rifle Guards. This attempt was made in the interest of old money bags, and seems to have met with poor response from the men, who once before served for the @ and who after being used @ by the autocrats to go @ man on being asked. @ the Bank recruiting @ that he had other and better use for his services than serving for a lot of misers and cowards, a strong reply after the ungreatful @ of services on a former occasion, when life and limb were at stake.
As near as we can ascertain, the members of our merchantile firms and sugar agents who left by the steamer Australia, are to meet in caucas in either San Francisco, or New York, with such sugar magnents as Messrs. Davies and Isenberg, and others who are hving@ in England and Germany from the products of Hawaiian soil.
The object of the meeting is to discuss the situation of our sugar industries, to secure capital, and a buyer at living prices. In all probability an effort will be made to sell to the New York Sugar Trust, upon which money advances may be obtained from said rich and powerful sugar trust whose headquarters is in the city of New York. We hope for the welfare of our sugar farmers and those interested with them that the mission of these gentlemen will be successful.
That Accident at Makaweli.
A few days ago we commented on a report that three Jap laborers at Makaweli were injured by handling explosives, and we said that men were ordered to engage in such a dangerous employment who had no experience in blasting. Monday's Advertiser contained two letters on the subject, one from the plantation manager who treated the affair as nothing - only one man slightly injured. In the same column was an account by and eyewitness substantiating the original report as to the serious nature of the injuries to three men. The two letters were so contradictory that an editorial comment noted the circumstance.
Yesterday the Advertiser had the "precise facts" from Dr. Smith of Kauai, which we doubt not are reliable, and after stating that the persons injured were "very experienced" in that kind of work, the Advertiser account shows that they must have known about as much of the science of blasting as a goat does about a "stickful" of type and common justice demands that a manager who sends a green Japanese or other unskilled laborer to handle explosive in blasting should be liable for the manslaughter which follows. This is the law in other countries, and will be here as soon as men of the Morrison stripe have less to say in moulding our laws.
A Good Cause for Discontent.
Time a certain high government official, who crept into office by deceit and treachery, is about to add insult to injury by installing in @ a foreigner lately arrived from a French Colony. Premier Park @ Oahu @ already overstrained the @ of an Hawaiian @ by their persistent preferance for the foreigner of alien birth @ the @ of the young men of our own country.
Will they permit the creeping, two faced methods of this antipodean offical, who has wormed himself into their confidence, and and sanction the appointment man who has been imported from a French Colony, while there are Hawaiians in the country, of family, respectability and ability, who are first entitled to such offices. If so, KA LEO, as the champion of young Hawaii, will denounce the Cabinet in most unmeasured terms, and will create an agitation for the removal of the tricky antipodean, who while undoubtedly competent as an official is proving himself unworthy of a public office in a Hawaiian government. The office he presided over is already filled with aliens who are not entitled to their high position and fat salaries. Down with treachery truculency and sycophancy and let us stand for Hawaiian in preference to imported aliens.
Tell us, goddess, pure undraped,
You who know our frail ways
Where was Sam on Sunday night,
Was he on Dillingham's railway?
Leave us not in fear and doubt:
Nay - what was our Sam about?
Was he roaming far and wide,
Or in calm seclusion,
With refreshments at his side,
Free from all intrusion.
Was he cleaning up his sabre?
Was he eyeing well, his rapier?
Was he down in deepest pit,
Digging out Black Sand?
Or did he in any arm chair sit,
And dream of Robert's band?
How were his nerves, do tell us pray,
Did he feel phunky, cool, or gay?
That judgment ia against petitioners in Election case.
That the triangular council of War which had its foundation in Sand was composed of bonnie prince Archie, the head of police and the Gin-real-ass-homo.
That the Cabinet ordered the sandbags shifted, and it vanished in a night.
That the approaching performance at the Opera House will have a vocal trio in which the hilandfling, the anvil chorus, and the Hawaiian can-can will be danced, the whole to be finished with a sand-jig.
That one of the six editors of KA LEO is spoiling for a fight or a sand scare.
That the two corners in sand are broken.
That same sand was dug up from a pit near the barracks, and the bags were dug up on Sunday last from a @hou@ on Kaahumanu St. The hole was there bury the dead.
That yesterday's Advertiser article on the sand-bag farce brimmed over with kindly advice, and a pratical suggestion for the use of superio@ military muscle.
That C Burnit has crawled back into his Bulletin cellar, having shot off @
That "turn him out" is appropriate and responsible, and a "box of monkeys" is just what they are.
That Sam Moltke and Charles Wellington are no slouches in military stratagy, especially after being sanded.
That the next royal corner will be in sand-paper gin, which will ba bagged away in the Giniral's office.
That Gibbs is reported to have used up all that sand on the palace painting done lately. It took all night to get away with the swag.
That Kodac is used to dupe the sleepy-eyed customs officials in smuggling opium.
That Soolewan is preparing a new opera to be built on the Sand bag scare, and to be called the "Court Jesters."
That KA LEO gave the first report of the warlike preparations at Iolani Palace;- if you don't take KA LEO, you don't get the news.
That the gin-shuger, Major-giniral, and Sand-bagger, is negotiating to start a newspaper to be dabbed "Ka Leialii o Hawaii." (The Crown of Hawaii). The paper is to take its start from the deris of the old Babylon "Ka Elele." which Stone martyised into pie. Among the stockholders are a grave digger, the said gin-slinger, a detective, a police scout, an old poligamist, an haole aboodler (don't yer moind) and under the patronage of a right royal lady and her fours, with a Custom house officer, butcher and blacksmith, and all the concomitants that was placed before St Peter to feast on, sometime in the early part of the first century A. D.
That the Tax Assessor was recently promised the position of Finance Minister and is therefore now an ultra royalist, a short time ago a Republic or anything else which wore a gold-crown aspect.
That there can be no two opinions at the present time as to the form of the Government which will bring stability and prosperity to the intrests of the masses@.
That the neighhood of the Palace or Barracks is no place for the discharge of firearms.
That if the country must be filled up with Asiatics it may be as well to help the Treasury. Chinese are no more in the white laborers way than Japs who come in free, But we object to both.
Platform of Principle
2. Out of consideration for the inherent rights and present opinions of the native population, we dersire to retain the independence of the Country and defend its automony, under a liberal and popular form of government; but our Treaties with Foreign Powers, and especially with the United States of America. should be revised, so as to better meet present necessities and to obtain more equitable advantages in exchange of those granted by us.
4. We shall use our efforts to eliminate@ laws by which all favoritism in the government and all monopolies, tr@ and @iadvileges to special claims shall be rendered impossible, by full @ and mandatory statutes.
7. We are in favor of encouraging all home agriculture and industries, and all our native products, like rice, coffee, wool, tobacco, etc. should be protected and fostered by proper tariff regulation; and also it must be the duty of the Government, in its contracts and other operations, to give preferance to national products over immported ones ones.
8. We desire a more liberal policy towards the different Islands of the Kingdom, outside of Oahu; they should receive a fairer proportion of the public moneys for the development of their resources and the satisfation of their wants. In fact, the principle of local Self-government should be extended, whereby giving localities may choose the most important of their local executive officers, and levy taxes for the purpose local improvements of a public nature.
10. The wealthy fraction of our population have hitherto prevented the development of an independent class of citizens; the public lands have been acquired and have been tied up in a few hands or parcelled to suit favorites, and small farmers and planters have been driven out by corporations or combinations of capitalists; but as small farming is conducive to the stability of the State, it should be encouraged by a new and more liberal Homestead act. by which the ownership of small tracts of land and the settlement thereon of families of our present population,- and especialily of the native Hawaiians who have been left almost homeless in there country,-should be rendered possible. To that end, the Government and Crown lands,(in so far as can be done without invading vested rights) should be devoted as soon as possible to homesteads, and conferred upon bona-fide settlers free of taxes for a limited period.
It should be the further aim of government to, at once, so far improve the means of transportation, -local, national and international.- as to provide, in all districts, cheap means of conveying the product of the soil to market.
11. We hold that upright and honest manhood, and not the possession of wealth, arbitrarily fixed, should consti- the right to vote for nobles as well as representatives, and no more power should be accorded to the ballot of the rich man than to the ballot of the poor man. The discrimination in favor of wealth now made in our Constitution is contrary to all the eternal principles of right and justice, and must be abolished. To this end, we will favor a leveling of the present distinction of wealth and classes which blemish our laws with respect of the right to vote for nobels, thereby restoring to the native Hawaiians privileges which pertain to them in their own country, and of which they have been unjustly deprived.
12. We favor the expenditure of sufficient sums to secure a number of needed public improvements on Oahu and other Islands: school, railroads and harbors and wharves, public light, and also a thorough system of reservoirs and water-works, not only for Honolulu, but through-out the other Islands.
6. Better laws should regulate the Civil Service. The principle of the election of officers of the government by the people should be established, and no man should be allowed to hold more than one office of profit, whilst salaries should be adaquate compensation for the services rendered. All executive salaries should be reduced and all @ or superfluous offices abolished.
9. We shall endorse all measure tending to improve the condition of the working classes and consequently, without injuring any vested rights, we will advocate laws to prevent all further importation or employment of contract-labor of any kind, upon conditions which will bring it into a ruinous and degrading competition with free Hawaiian or white labor. We shall also, in the intrest of the better protection of the poor, ask for more liberal exemption of their property from forced sale on execution, and from seizure in bankruptcy proceeding