Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 421, 30 March 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That annexation and republicanism ia getting very ?x»mi lar, ; I That ihe Che fa and Paka pio games wilii revi?e, as it will require the entire military aiwU poliee foroe to keep an eye and ear openafter Hladam Rumor. That there must be a acarcd run-away arownd the Advertieer office who wnnta to get even with detective \ragner. The books of t the Station Houae show 100 dollars ,in goldcoin as bail put up in his i case, •: :: ; ■: r . f: . ';--;■■ Tii:it :Herp'.r ia comiX)Bing a n#*w pieee* t<» b<v oallwl the 4t Siindb:ig (iallop'' in wliieh the Rulletit( C. H;irnit aml (ienCT:i! N T on>thing will p<Tfrriu a bmikvJo\vi Thal lh<' Palne*—UttnrdsiTTv ting di.Hgust<Mi with «»nly two honiv of s »h ; j» m tiie !. :That-tho t'ahintt or<lcrs t» * th»* nullvtin to igi»«)re liie ?.uu!-iiug THckct w»s ob«'vc«i to tlio ictt»»r. and whk-r.oiif:dered eool by thc Palaee war circle. v That the |>eople will demand to ; know if tli c ('aliinel approvt? of such — Th.it S:ni] n.»w fi-ola sorry that fickle fortunc ma«lc him a js«»jer and that ne did-n ? t- stick to the , P vcitic CiK?klai;, whcre the <*windle ..;thoug!i suu !l w;: ? ,-afor than .B.ind» Ti:at MisM-s K«m»iviU nr.d Batfhvlor. who liaw ircrit ro\islv nfl'( rt «| t » j»rrve th«; Kuuai ludusiriti Scl;i>Ou-withi»ut »>ay for the r»'si t»f tho ycar. uis|»l y a self d*nial whii h shouhi" c.i*.i(*i. znr\nv of. thc *wcsalthv l'atriarciis of the g;\rd n i Island to l>lu.sh — were the B<3ns.tti<in pos-.il>le. Tiiat hcr Majt*stv the lineen t<x»k hcr i'hiK'oi.i te ycatcr«lav mornii>g withviut a ticuiar, the assurtng ar|ticlos in Ka J.k » havmg actvd■."»* a to:;ic. 1 i»»>t—liia- Aiiiit'u'.ih —wrnr>" *\av:n»fro:ii !11 illy a amd in uik' U i" . v :i«l> iii» 1 st \im» r l*-!t t:;-' *A:;;iri Ji" lii«* (i 'Utvn l». 1 !»' ll.e «•:jlrar.«*c t«>!'!ie K.;t! er U' v Th»t a!;ii wau the Kn^īi&h »«*k and tto? llennan iron cav»-i*. 1 ;i,»l two tons of h.ia landc.l latclv in the vicinitv of Honoinlu, au \ Hke 80gar ihe bua> iie«a ia iting unpro()UbV« ! That Heu S,ivJor 8ail«il «w*y • f«»r S*n Frar cis*xj with orders ii\ iu the Hhoys for o Hla* for the new ; rvt>ubiie. I Thai as the Premier walked up the g*,ttgway plank of tbe Aottra« lia tto fta>ra MaeaUo lead ot tb« Band witb % *<3od mv» poor Sam, M i««*w neakal eotupoaitiun by i'. | Burn»t of the BulkUn

a»d eil im Urivn«g»i to ipwtl dMMt I» wnhmd impo»iHe, b)r f«pftl« Ml •eil aNfiid»leFf et*t4it#e. FRt>TiX?TiOS TO lIOHE I3S» DUHTEIK« 7. We are i» i»vor ol e«cOßrdfii%g ho»ō igriiiiltiirfr tnd'io<ittB||H, «a4hfi our B»tive likt nee» wool. loliaei», «tc. »Md k i>raMi M&a C<wt« by pro|mt UM mnfa#m ; and aieo il H»8«i the ditty ol&eOo*» , ißont, in iti «OBtracte &nd <i(lbr > tkMM, to give pr«fewace lo nalioMi docte o*«r 4mi»it«d om. LOCALH£LF-<*>V£KNMKST Wt d»ira » aon HM po&jr «irda ttie diftmil iah«idi of the KJ»tgdon.o«tBideofUdia ; lfae? Md n«iv« a £aiiw od th> poMfa BOWft* for tbe ilevilo(HN«fitd «Nir nso»irves «md th« Mtfef»ctir« o( tMr wanie. In tec;t k tiw pHneipl» «doai, Btlf«*«wwriuMt ohoe& Itti(lil. -■ w b©i*by locaiiti«a iaay Hmm H» BMMt ittiportettt ai tfc«ir loeal escra«lN9 i ofik»r«» «uul tevy taxes lor th« s«rpM ! I <*MtttiHrf»v«B©nt» of a pubiie aa&aiw. ! BMALL KARXINU ANO IiOMK j KTKAI>*. 10. The w«ilthy fratik>n ol onr (<op«k* Kion i>av«* hitlH*rbi ptv.vt«iite«J the ib>veiopownv «4an iit«i«*iN*ndent rkM> <itii%M; . tl»o p»ib«it* luiule havt« iwa aci|utrt>d «nd ! hav<? ti«ni iu. in a fci» liamie or j |tarteU«Hi fo euit fav<*ritfM, aiul &»iai lArn:ers and i»l*nt«*T> l»:»ve bten. dr'itn .. ?»ut hy t*>riOTratK»iis <tr (i*.nbautktaii; o* . . «>H|*it»lutH; lnil ai* sn»ail 6truim»r ie w*»- | ha-.i\v w ii»v >f.ihiiitv '»l t!u- i\ >'j!>lo<I ».*' t fn»w :«IH! i\£sy liUml. Uān««>*ttn<l :'.« t v 1»V wheh nu n«. r»fup «.l wuall trj'il> of laml ai»-J th«* jH ttl«Mu;Mit tlit-rt-<»ii < f htNii)tP* • «»!jr pr*'j*itt l¥>p<il«t <»:..— •v «»i tiu» nativv liawaiiann ivh«* hi\T , i»"» n ii-ii homeU-* ! try-sh<»uM ln? jvn<hMYi| To ! tiiuifvi. th<* «mVf*riuiH»nt ntv«! (V«^ n , laini» l . •: in wt fw aii «-hk In- withuut I invi««iinK vest«*«J rij:htt» sSi«>uiil l»e<Wv<4,- ! Ha* jmh»i* ae i>«»*ibi<* to h<»?m-M»*«h>. j .a.:»d- conhTm! u|»on t* nn-h<U? m;!ers j fr«* of taxw« for u Um>tr<! M-r:«¥l It ahouhi bet!.<* fi:rthor ain. «,t jroverat ment t«», at omi', k> iar itti|»rove tbe ! meAiiH oi tk»n,—!<*•*!, aatktt« I al and int*rnati<»«i«*.), —ap t<> »rovidr, a | all thf dirtrict«. rhHr» mrt*>a o( conv*j- . ing tl»e pro«lnct of tl»e «oil to marlr?t. j .KLKCTt>BAL RIIIUT ; li. \\Y l»okl that «priflitand bon«»t Bia»hood. »tj«i not tn« pnrn , wiuß of j. weahh. arbitrartlr Rxcd, ehoukl coo9ti> j ilie right U» vot4* W iu»bh« as weil aa rvprwntiitivcj«. and no im«re pnw«r , sh<mi«i be tvtt»e lm!l«»t »»t' th* ( ri«*h unn than to tity IwlN » nf th« i pooi 'iuiii. Th«* «liM'r:u»inati<in in fa\t»r ; oi \v«'a;tls now iuaih' in o«r t <»i»stiti?tton ; Ī!» <'ontraiy to ali tiiv et» m;;l |«ritM ii»W | <»i »i s ri ; .t m,.i jn>t»«v. an«l nn-t U'HW»ltshj «''l. To ih > ei.»t, v»«-.*vill f«v >r a U«vt»l- -; ii»>r <»f tht» :»rft*» nt «li>ti '«-tiou «»i \vi*a!th «»,«l «*Ui>iM*?i \v!ii«*h hU*n»»!»h »»t:r la«> ! w ilh re*.ptt-t ».f th* riuht to \*«.te ior iioj hl«*. tht*n*hy tVftorint; t»> t!.r iiativi* ! liaaaiian» |»rivil«y»*s ah»rh tN-rtain to j tl»em in their own «>mum\ an«l «»f whM» | U»«*v h»ve Iwn nntu»tlv «Vt»nvetl. j INTKUN AL IMIK<»VKMKXTS i t- \\V tav«>r the es|»enf!i*nre «*f J «*HMit «tn»!* t«» »«e**are a numl«er of n***ted ; puhlk* improvement£ <»n<i«hu att«l «Umw I h-1io«»1, raiin««b» an<l harbova j amt wharvce % pnhii*- 3i*jht, i«i>«i al«Ki a , tltor«>ittfh #yat**m «4 r> -**rv>.ir* ami «*tw wrtrt», n<4 «r»nlv f>v lio;uK«hi. b«t tbroiitfh*otit tlte «»ti»er l»ta»Hl>. «•I'HLIO SKHV \XIS. <i. !•< : tl«m rv£n:.ite tlHp i'ii \".i >»i\.it, . Th*» pr; .. i i.. tt 4 e •(i n .$> ,*«\;» «»i U," ~ «ti»w»»' l\v j th«* >h«'u'«; V- .• • u«* < li.i;ll -U. 'i t - 11. 1» 1 ir -r** "h.u: • :«« ««: v >i »f'{, « s„S^n** -;.*»« ! 'i U r h>r thr»arv'.(v> ivu«U'r«si. Aii« » »art«-v vii<»uKi U' «5J aict«i rnr\** «>r >it|»erthi«»i«. »»tti«v« aU'iUUeiL t K(TKtTMiN tt> THK LAlH>rklXtf i'LANM&i H. We Kball etKhx>e a!l ..«*»«rr te«»din|t t*> it*prtive ro««iitti»tk ol tk» wnrki«t|r aml w»tb«>ut mjurt&s any rcfbt9. we wOI a>l\XMwte law* t« prr\>N»t aK f«irtber «t* l«>rt«ti, %n ar empi<>r«HM)t «al oiitr«(t laix»r «i «ajr kiml, ti|«a w hirh «i|| iwiae it »Ht<> a Mimmm atd <Wv«dliK i\mi|ttitH* wtth (iw Hm M»n or whīle kbar. \\> aha!t febm w the i«tHMt of Utr WH«» «f the |KMr, ter m«M UM ihihiwim ut tbf«r |tfw|»ny fv\M*a f«N«) «• «i witi«a a«Hi ft«« tn(mrr U Yininliifniii i pr«W(liii|.