Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 421, 30 March 1892 — A CURE FOR CANCER. [ARTICLE]

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Honolulu, March 24,1892. I, GeorKe Campton. carp6nter, haw heen a re?ident of these Ulanflsi for the hist-14 years. In the year. 1 Sf>l f Btiflered froin a cancer in the h*g. and through the advice • »La triciitl l liad Mr. Lowell t(i see it. re»l the inost exeruci4ti>airi an«l \vu.s ('oufiiie<l to iny be<i tV»r \v< '-k«. Mr. Lowell sa\v tne and to-ld m<' hc t]unight lie c>uld cur.»i it. an«l t<» my ut!cr toniKhtiiwiu in uim frnTn the tiuif Mr. l.owi'll Hik' Ba\v it. \\ \v:ts cur»:d. It ■is iiow n«-ariv t!nrc ii!f»Mt!is since an«ī h;i* ali tlic ap p»'ara.ice? of a c »ini>lcte cnre In three weeks froin tho tiine Mr. Lcwrjl tirst naw ine 1 was ahlo to jr<> al»out niv.i»ui»ii4(es«.. ■ Any on<» d«' siring further in(t:»ruiath)n ean mi! on me at 30 lving St.