Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 421, 30 March 1892 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
I K(]itor Ka j 'Tl»t» i'ollowini; w-il! givo-ihe reai|- ] er < wh<> i<' mi' «unn' idoa | of th<v workin«s of ]»rolii-!ntion in j !>♦*(» Moinea, lown. , u A vwiting Christian 'g«*ntleiuan»j who spoke at the Kir.«l Mt k thodist : ( laBB-uieetin« t\v » . vks ;igo to» 1 morrow luorning. muiiu the reinark- ; *ble ag«t'rtio{i, with s.nlnesf*, that he had »t<XKI on a < ertaia f*treet coriicr with his ho««t since hi? arrival in I>ef Moin«*, aiul cuunteil over' one hundred inen autl hoys i«BUc | from a «ingle drinkinj: (len. ■guil»-!■ tily thcir lij>*. This he oh-| »erved \vat< a |»oor kin 1 of pn>hihition and he in»juiml \vhat sort of »>flicers lleg- Moinrs ir:;s ? Tiie Mght of tiie ii}L*n fn>:si tiic ■»h-n. , vva* de:>lor:th]<' i>ni»ugh. hut- tlial of •the v«>utli v,;i< ine.\}>n'ssiv sad. •■Tli'- tr ;i ii i>, !>!M!i:i>'U.>;i in i.)•.'!« i Mo:i-.»*s i-- ;i i'.u''-»-. T»ilaw ah.i»Jii;g'- , ]k-«»j.'l.c.«!":iiiv- no iii*u of ( thc «'.\:«*ht t-> -whieli thf Viiiī;pi, ~ arc h».;rles<juing j>r«»iiii>iti>>ii :is a meai»s of ū ;«t her.iii: their ov» n nest.'' M<>ii)« # ?»lail i id TinH's. lf j»rohihit!<>!i ig a good th!ng, why hdve s<» ni:iuv Sf;*(»onie eigh- ' teen* iu hiiiu»»» !) npeal the la\v, after a hiir .t-ria: ? Maiia.