Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 420, 29 March 1892 — The Partiality of the Board of Health. [ARTICLE]

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The Partiality of the Board of Health.

WV |»üblish \h* fal)oving ltU«r *hkh is only o)M of i ii»ikr n*tur*» fpom oompUin«nte trosa mll fMru of Is)«tt4& mo% howw «Hn aof >4tp*ci*tio| of t«etivinf

K Deer Sirl eeekwe yo» a l«Uer from an aSßet*4 oae oa MoMāi, Bome tbreior ter iMā vmq JCikiMM wm : : (ii' MeMai. »t UMt 1 tk* B*m4 «fHa*itk |»Mm te tal» U* wile with him. whieh wiaa

Bom>ttmen in U- ? lator g»Hof July lnl, 1 met >avid oivtOfi o« tkestreetiii front of Dr. Omeeman'e o«oe t ei*da®kadbimffit wa* m»t pwwihli to h* tfe* wtfii (K«kßM> foia ber bwbeod ea Molok*i* lal* •» tsMfeu» tlMit tft» wmmmn wm eldwtftiao)terhedMmd t a»dotber thiogi whiei moM take ap te muoh spaes h«9. He aaswerod tbat the governmei)t were andor a gfoat exp«asc as it m, and ihat every woU penon wW went to M> lokai eost the governmMit ose hundred dollarB per year to support tbem v and that the Board hftd oōociuied not to let any more well people go to M«>lokai. *»

Upon hearin<{ th» I «aid no raore, but now I find that thc ♦*Board" has aliowed the wife of the Rev. Pahio to joiii him &t Molok&i, as you will set> by Kanae'* ktter. Now what I iroakl like to know ia this- What U the (, Boud t of HeaUhWiWaon for a)lowiDg qm wife to go an<i jotn her ho|Wnd at Molokai and stopping Uie oth«r? Perhapci KauiM'a. Jetter Mplaina this in one wwd—injkteaee. JUTICE.