Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 420, 29 Malaki 1892 — SOCIAL SCIENCE. [ARTICLE]
80CIAU8M. T THe great Engl»sh Chanoeil<»r Bir Thomas More in hia u Utopia" deals with tbe queetion of land monopoly, and in referenee to thedass driven frotn tbe land be ssys: no puniahment bowever severe is ahle to restrain those from robbing who ean tind no other meana of livelibood, whieh must be tbe piight of many under an eeonomie system whieh drives men from the laad, a.>d does not provide employment fw tbem.
Apparently Sir Thomaa had not oome to the Elixabetbian alternative of levying a p«rii(Mi for the unempioyed poor frōm tb« reet the eommunity. In a remark%ble pas* sage near ihe eloee of hk baok we find tbe eiemal argnment oi Uie co<nmuniets given in tbe clearwt
and moBĪ «īrikiiig worde and the p)M of tbe iDod<m Bodnliāto dpated. Exoeptinf oo!y w&i tbe UtopiarMu Ke B«yt: H Miy l pmwh if I m§ āAytHiag tbat looka !i)co «itber jMtke or eq«Hy, fer wk&t jo«tioe m ther* ia thk, tbat • noble wmn or go)d«akith or a or enr ibir that «lUier Jon «t mll, ©r &t kast is t»ptojred al thimM that er« of no to the pubJw »hould livo in gr«it lvsar? nmi Bp)ei«dor apon what it «o U1 acquirNi; and a menn man. a oar*i t< r. a stnith« or a pk>oghman, that work* harder than even the beasta i tlifiii»īv«i, and is ewplftyed on | Übor eo necewary that noonaniaonw«*«tiili oou)d h«»id out a jrear with*, <»,it iWiu. c*n «tnly w»m m» |nkvt a! tiv«lij)Mod. «iiH Kd mi mia*Hr a iiA* f tbat ihe cooditi<»n of
th# ho&iU is maeh h9ter ihm ih»irfl. For th« (Masts do o#t work ao eohtUntly sn th«? f»ed «lißost aa well and with tnore i and have no &njpety ahout what is to eome. whilst*&?se men are dapre*sedi>y a barren and fr«itlee« emp!oyment, and tormented with the apprehenBion of want in their j old age. llie gove.rnment doee 111 i to be ao prodigal of its favor» to the high plaeed and id)e, and those who minlotor to the eatisfectioQ of tbe Heh, and oo the other hand to Uke no eare of the meaoer «ori, i«idh aa piooghmen. eollien, imiūm* 1 wiliMMil whom iteoald oot euhaial." Aodwhen the iwhlie hae oaod op tbeir bodies and tNr B«rvioeß II leavee tbem u to dk in great miaaer. M Hoto&frso: <4 Tbe ricW sett oAeii WMteavorin« to brio§ ihehimoftlie hter«i kwer f nol only by fe*mMeitt praetioe« bot by the lawe whieh tbey proeure to W oaftde to thai effect; eo that, it is a thiag most unjiiat in it«elf to give such imall rewards to thoee who dmrve so well of the puhlie, yet they have «given tbeee hardsbips. tbe name and color of justice, by procuring laws to be made for regulating them. M
Hene is ihe iirguu)<»cvt of tlie SoeialiaU anticipated three hundred year« ago; the fol!owing breathi»B the verv spirit of HouBB<?au and the raodem- revolutioniat«: ?'Th«re4
fore," writeß Englaml's great Chanceilor t "I muBtBay that, aa I hope for mercy, I ean have oo noiion of all the other governmente that I eee or know th«n thet thejr are a oonsp)racy of the rich, wha on pre* tenoe of roanaging the puhiie, otily pureue private enela, and deviee all the wavs and arte they ean find out; firet, that they may, withoutdanger, preeerve ail that they have to ill acquired t aod then that they n>ay engage the poor to toil for tbem at aa low rate aa poesib)e, and oppress them ae mueh at they pieaae. And if tbey ean bot pre» vaU to get tbete oontrivaocee ee* tabiithed by the ehow ol public aatboHty, wuieh ie cooeidered ae tbe representative of the whoie people,tben they are accounted lawe. M
Bir Thomas More wrote hie "Uiopia" in LaUu for the loar.\ed and -con»equent!y it made no impreeaion at the time. Near ihe eioae of the eixteenUi oentury it waa ronder* ed into Tigoroaa Sngliah bat it waa allll confinod to the few. Tho work nevertheldBB preBoota a remarkable eaeample of aotpeoded Titalit? whieh three oeniunee aiW ite oem* eepUon haa prodnoed «fihota; for tho hook i« now read. and axiatinf SodaliBte draw both argvmonU at« J praoUcal hinia from ik li )a ia ifot ihe firat trae work on Booial Philoaophjr in thoBngliah knguago wigt tko true marka of |ni«i upon IL originality and the pompuon oi p*~ioeneat tmtk« āmal and aooial, aod thoygh writftoe ofEngl*od by a great Lord Ckanoollor tkroe oontttrloe ata» io in part a troe pkUuo of the aooial illa of Hawaii to-daf. Wa akaU noxt deal wilk the orifin and evotation of Civil Bcdoty and Governm«nt To bo Continnod.