Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 420, 29 Malaki 1892 — THE PALACE FORTIFIED. WARLIKE PREPARATION. [ARTICLE]
Yesterday morning people going past the Palaee were eurprieed to see a wall of sand bage three deem built on the eoping nf the gnmnd wali immediately &urrounding ihe Palaee. On inquiry we fiod, that the rumors that a partf of revolutionists were intending to raid the Palaee and all the Oovern* ment Buildings, with the inteation of declanng a republic. Just Uiink. j —Republic of Hawaii! with a flag j composed of the fron Cross of Pruseia, on the Englis»j Cross, thei whole filled in with the wbite and | red stripes of Aoierica. The i<iea of a Repub!ic with a flag representing three nationalitieB, America, Eng» lish and Gernaany, was too miieh for the aerves even of our Butcl*er Cromwoll, and the reBult was the Crom wellian spirit arouBed in the Blacksmiih and the Navvy anddisplayed in the energetic barricade Surroutiding the Palaoe, called up asit were by magic in the twinkling of & night. The sand was etowed *way in 1887, to defet>d the Palaee wiih bnt was noi used. owing to the treachery of tlie sameparties who are engaged at the preeent military »how. Owing to R W Wil* cox's having resided einee tbe revolution of July 80, 1889, in tbe rear, front and Waikiki sides of ihe Palaee. at different times, theee eideB wera barricaded aa being the xnost vulnerable and likely to an attack. We also hear that the Invincibles or Wilfon's Ironeides, under command of an ex-road builder, were on dutv, ready to seoop vp anything and everything, e¥en the shadows of tbe departed kings and ehieia, whieh have been eeen lately hovermg about the plaee, were not to be spared. Aua* ba makt! Nwinui pilikia wilh me nowl M first sifht one might have imagined that Claus Bprekels had hired the Palaoe a8 a sugar warebottset as the n«mber of bage soatt*#*d on tbe indieated. But viiwed as a mattor of strategy, %be y4admi of the nsd bags is not of mmk wmlm. if the Household Ouard of sixt? wen, were placed bebind tbe bags 4āsp would be like āo uiany osen in a haie, and any man outaideaf Q«s«»l MowMn ean see ibat,eveo if tbe guards and poliee «ould be rsUsd on to sboot down tbeir brotben and fsUoer cituens, ii»ir oumbsrs do nM aaaount to *nrthing. We tbink tbe Queen bas been badly advised in ala seare to be created at tbe pr*eent iime, jusi on tbe eve ef tbe AMQsbling of PaHiameni.
It appears «9 if the govarning part?, wiko hav« beaa eo long talkin« of a r»ruluti<M, afa afrditl to in«et PaHianenl imd *aut u» emother tbeir jubbfrY a«d inea pa/oitT atid wther qu,*liilo«iti<HiJ» iu h «loud of atroku. Ii .» nig!aiy iiii | §*obabie lbat if ru'iliutteii |
an armed insurpeciioo—whieh wsiie not —that tbe Quee<i or palaee wou)d be in dangar. The j>eople will discusB w&at is lik«lv lo be fthtir good, whether Mon&rehy :t n Kepublic or Annexation to ihe V't it<ti othfir power; and they wish to do it in a peaaefol whv, 8o that the discussion of Ihe i uiatter,or the change in the forta of government~should it happen — may not disturb the Queen's alternoon drive . We are ai a loss to QHdersUiid; whether tbe Cabinet has adviaed i the Qoeen to plaee thk h«urric&de of sand bags around the p&laee or irhether her mo»t graekws h«s Ua* dertaken the direetlmi d milltary affiyrs aUi Qoeen Boaded>. Iflbe latter, wkieh we laelkie te hellm* the malenal Mlectad te eMore stahility is s«gge«tive of the reverse. That there k reallj aethihg oa whieh ihe «athorities eaa ground a euepieion ot armed insurreetion » proved by ihe &ct that not a eiaiele arrest has been made of any sospect. Sereral of our leading bueiness men atnong whom at Hon. L. A. Thurston, Hon. Henry Waterhouee and our solid Railroad build* er B. Dillingham are leaving by to niorrow'e Bteamer on hueineea connected with the developrnent of oūr im ustriesi and we fear that this absurd display of a few sand bags may bave a tendency to give i BenBational writers in the Btates an | opportunity to say things whieh! ai %y inj ure our enterprises. We have in this country no hoodlvm class who would injure life or <tsstry property and foreign residents ean rest assured that investments in thiB country are perfectly safe.