Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 419, 28 Malaki 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Thni rumor*'My.s'Fev*lation9 wH!;bf iiiAili* hy and l»% notn*it!»staiui(ing he £c.m<lal the n>un<ls .'aUv.it |my Holl? iiml r>ogns-Vourh-i tr? li rt inji imnini up. Th:U :i lu.'.n nann 'l .Frc-m hy nnd some Pwluiiiu Mtt»»loye ( l nv thf Waikiki iinpri»vi-;v.i*nt.ean i"l'si \sa orook^d ■■ ptori«'?* aVn»ut t!ic eein ik . dea), \c., kc. Ti;«t tlio l.titcrnr 1 Vn«irtuiont jiot th(MM»ment .it tlurtl h:i::»I«, and tho numU»r of \»am*U f»r >.ire manv—vtrv ni.Hiy. That it is current that tbe man calletl Frenchv — (TommyV petV tr.is time on the \Vater \Vorks pay Itol! nnd rate<l for six <io))ars a day as <t luna on the ■the Waikiki nteal. That Onhi H 4 *! J»>e, < 1"> oents pcr d:iv Mar®den) 11.18 pnuo t«» Ilamakua to h« j lp u> b Mim tln- II •' ir>ar<t i'lection. That it wa? oo!i)iaon str.Hvt ta!k liefore and is no-.v that ti»e hp;*d o( jv)Hce wns th«\ pr»»tertor i fopi»nn anvl Mterv joint!i, not onlv with he{tdv(uartt'rs i;i Honolnlu. l»ut | also with d»M»its i!irt»ughout tUe kingdoMi. That sn)>ordiafttes in the (\istoni Houho serviiH» pot SOUMHH! when they as ain itter of di ty dart-d to i eai) the attention c.»i liieir irerrgularitu»g. ī ' —— E T!*!*t Kah.ala entra'>ce, eust of l>iamond Hwd is a fnvcred lmven for uuknown <choonor* t«»oali iii at, wpwiaiU* whon' ihe govornment eluh »rv holding forth tWir* perNicnl Bnti\rday night «ml B ohlmv debauchery tournamont®. That the new#ptip#r if® si ngn* : lr.rty ailein ovtr the revenl ri>bl»ery from the aaf» of the nw»r* ehaiiule Am oii tb*» orwr of Kinj( un<i Rethel $trpeta. 1 Thal tho*e havini; iMMiMN ou other lalamla o( the group ean he*f all 'm deUi|a bow the ĪA>i\*Tt BnMn«Ba bas iwtn a»d is carmd in HooohMu <kr poiie* protoeiion. i
ttw hae baea $&)# «a eha» li£g * ami wbo Um> bef*Scaries h*ye b**a j ■;: ; ; Tbat InteUigfmt Chi«»ese do »ot |heeitate to say to tbeir C4enda | |thaf the main aod true eauae of) theclosiog out of Eeiaii Chinese ■ 1 8toree in Honolulu for mont3ia pa»t; : i« tbc resuit uf ehe fe. > i Thai there |ate. four gauibiing • I orga»i*»tions in fre© sway for ftve i years utsder oflicial protection. • h-— i Tbai "S. a correspondeiU j i for the Buil|etu) waa evif(eiitly! isuirituaJiy %piu>tised, and was i unahle to stgn! his name. Tliat the |aU> Keeper of the |Oceatiio Bteamship Ompauy*s! wharf iuust have b«f»n under the j j inHuenoe of opium last Friday j night, to allow a eoupk of men to; i get by him wi h sevenfetn or m«re S tmB Oi oplu \Vhat next f * /: . \ - - - ■ ! ; :■■ ; : ,: ; T^T ! T-iat (i<oige »Siiiitli!"s, like 1 , t'vorgo \» aai.i 4gi »n. noi tell :t iit* to-su.it J»iisevii iiienlor J. 11. | jWbo WHuted hni to r oll alieforthc: ;-Mike uf lbt* 'oflice, ,? againBt the rights i»f the p This i«>lue to ;tlH* u;i!V reiioe o£ i*«rly honu- * iniluonee ; Thut botwwi» tiie C!i?totn Jl«)use ' o!Tii iiil'n picaihllo , s ti»e i'olioe; arv nh t» to keep'tht in««e!rt.*F i«|uite busy and IK-tweetv l£*o two J money ia mad<» bc»tli w»ys —l»v the ; th»M»iie pap»ir»ff the boodlcrB «nd > by tbe oiher arivsting them. j