Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 419, 28 March 1892 — The Law of Marriage is the Hawaiian Kingdom. [ARTICLE]

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The Law of Marriage is the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Tue OMwml Mnttof Um oomiuu* nitjr t«« mMUr iimktd bf iw»| pmwom kKt|lf uoited io &Myriagi «how nhUoik to ooe anoUwmpMM t« Umm o/ tiM p*rti« «I OoiilMili! «Inn hok» ia

] so Bev«r©ly by 61. P|t}l: i in hi» flnt Epitth tio ibt Cdi|i)* | thians, Chap. V. The <*se *t CoI rinth was tbe ino6Btuott« union of ' a man with his step-mother; in Ho- ! nolulu it i« that of a woman with her »tep father, that is of a man with his step-<laughter. What St. raul wrote of the ca«e at Corinth ,equally apptiesi U» the eaae in Ho« ; noliilu; "aueh foriiication n« it i* ' >0 mirrh <t< mnACtl <1 niatUf thf | h> a 'm " " j l)Ut that whieh inakea the eaue. j in ii<iuohilu thc» niore grievous uf Uhe tuoiB that it was solemt>Med by a ('hri«itian Minigter, and wae (luly chro:iicled in the organ of the ('oiigre*j;atioīialist l>ody, The /VtV/t7, > as a true an<l pro|>er marnage. Now, the parauiount authority of Holy Scripture is one of tlie lea.ding d<>et ri ne« jf the Cotigregational*sU f an<i is tho ground of their rejection of Church authnritv. Their popition is clearly delined in the foilowing article contained in the *i>ecfaration of Faith. Chureh Order atid i Discipline ,v of the Coi»;»regatio:ial ; Churehes in K< gland as:d Wales T ! •\ ith wiii-eh iī may 1h« presunied, that the ('ongreg.it i »nal Churches of agree: "'Pnneiple* of Hel gion, 1. The: Srripture.<4'of the Ohl Tefitauient. ! reeeive<l bv t he Jews, and tlie Books of the New Testaiuent. as rtw i ved hy the Prhititive Cunt?tianF from the Kv»ngt'li*t* and Apostles, (!unjrregatioiial ("nurcht s bil:eVe to |x». <livin<iy inspiYe<i, :uid "/ /i^ NVv-rth'*iess, in ih«*d-irtvt faee <,f 11 • >ly S<>ripture, au llawaiian Minisier is Bufl r ered without rebuke frotn the Kvangelieal Board to ask («oil'? blessing <m a uiiiou whieh He has distinctlv forbidden i:i H(»Iy Word, "Thou shal! nut tm* < <»ver the nakedness of a woman; a nd her dauftitef" *( Lev. x vi i: 17). !♦. ni«y weil be asked, Whithur' i» this community d / ting whon j iacet t -s thus giinclione<l and ble.s- 1 sed by a Minister of the Uoepel ? It will be argued that the uniou in question is not fbrbidden by tbe i laws of the land. That ie true.; The laws of the ilawaiian Kingdotu with re«ard to marriage unhappily lall far below the standard i of ihe law» of the Koman Euipine ' ! at the l»eginning of Christiani* j.tv, The laws of Hawaii onlv i j forbid marriage of <v>h*i >«/ni , i(y to | the forth degree, and lay no r?stric- ■ tion whAtever on marriage uf ajß- »>':/■ Hui it is a marriage of affiuitv, \'f whieh St I'aul writes that • it wuuUl not be iolerate<l by Ihe { i t»eotiies. A» au ofifset, liowever, | ag i.nst iniu extrav>rdinary omiss'ron j iin ihe Mam«ge Law iii this ah>ui»- - ! trv, it is ueceasary to the va!iditr jofminiage in tbe llawiiiian 1*1» ' j ands thf»t it be soleniniied by a j >i i k\ister of the Ūuapel. iiul there I U tw» law to e*)tnpel a Minister te | Mli-ūnilie the union of every I em.ple who cv>n.e to him with ih« * | palapala ae iiiih' froni the !nter«or loiliee. lf the p"rmii«sion of the j State ifi eontrary k» ihe law of (><.*L.; ;it is the plain dutjr ofeverv Minis ! u r l«» obef t*od, and refuse to ro* |iemnise an inceatuous union. »No ( h rgyman af either the Koman Cath«dic or Aa|(lioan Church wuukl ! have •olen)niied the nirrii|(t in qu€ētioo, and if the Congregation- : alist are Uue to their principl« of Uking Holy tscriptar» ka tkaif u V thejr will Uke «Ma to pm» veo> iwmwe ei Uw of God> hliwinfb»iim Ifiv«ked oa

m«rria*e wbleb U> tb» Divin* law iafl»he of 0»! perojit of ibe sUte, nuli aiml void. I If any ire not i«tn of th« pHn*! cipi« on whieh the J>vitfa«l i«w i» j>Med, it may be |K>inted out ia eoneluōion th*t iis foundation H«a iu the dcclaratiott lo*jrid in the Heoonti Cbapter of the BiU!e and rei>eatod by cur l*ord Hin«wif that man and wif*# 4t are one ileah,'- ('«n;*equentlv every man statid« to tbe : kindrej of hi» w.ife in exactiy the relation as to his «wn kindred. And by the Marriage Law of : the Holy Scripture, afiinitv, <>r eonuection hy marriage preHonts a lur to marrtage in exa»-tly thf same de- ! grt»e ad it is barred by bloo«i r®laj tionphip or consanguinitv. A mnn 1 is forbkidie2i to uiarrv hia wife's siujter as mneh as hifi own, and his ' w;fe f a daugtiU*r v or f»on's wife a» ! mueh as hi» own duughU*r, and ! so tbrough nll the d«*greef?.—llo.iolu!u