Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 419, 28 Malaki 1892 — Our Display at the Fair. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our Display at the Fair.

That \V*ftl.«h a»d Thuri»ton are going to the Columlnan Fair Cnmu)isēionert to s« a cure epaee, wherein to exhibit the' proJucts of the }9land, ofthree shade6 of tuolaPBes, br< tvn sugar, Ught )>rown *UKar, wa»he«l fugar, imiK-o* i vudu sugar, lo.if darifieil i sugar, a |)icturt of thc lust und only n&tive eniploycMl un plantatiou at Makaweli i f iantation. — a phutugraph uf tlie eugar alave eonlmel; a e»;py of\V. 11. C'u bung<Hl-up I'act.v lus ehineae Act; a copy uf Hatowitt's aniendtiwnt to the Cou*titutinn whvreby īhe Chi'nese eau Ik* irufK>rtvd a* blave into th& cuuntry, a hthug2*ph W*he ?tof»c work, on. the Union ( v hurch l>uiMing, on whieh uo Anglo-Saxon was tiuploved; a copy of the whole Kawaiahao Theatre, with the Hawatian Thi«tle in front; a copv of lit>xl]e C»B<le dan*iyer iu Jiml; a plioio of I>iliing» hani'a puni, «how the l\»rtugue#»* | frotu Vokui*unia; a pielun* t»i th< ; driHlg t r» J