Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 419, 28 March 1892 — "S. S." AND PROTECTION. [ARTICLE]
Some oue wi.o is evideiitH a"hypocrite" aa he fearsto signjiis name to a commuiiication in the Bulletin of Maroh 2('., ftel- i|uitv hurt at an article in Ka I.K<> of M:irch 17, hea<l ih« i "Ns;tion« 1 , 11r5e. ,, This hvtHKrite. S. S; is iilēo a wilfui liar. f r -we fiml iiothing in our aniele of that date .i.lvocatijig j.rohihition with whitch l»e »:harp t> us. The artiele iimply points o«t the -eurw. of Ihe UBof aieohulie Mioiulanii» to the huoian fauvily, in r.«» sense does S S. tne» t i!ie |K>ints of our arguni.'nt . I» is ■v« rv ; vid» i.t that S. S. tlisjrraee at■laehe.l any <l<'fenee ot the u«e of a!ejholie Klnnulanl*.other\vise h" wouhl «ij:'i ri:s n.i n«' in f lise a man in ir'« a«ivocaey oj* ■his. si«h' of the qui stio»i. T'ie of prahTbition, if we jire nol iin»{::krn, i» gainiug grouml m thos<' plae«»c where it has been trit*ii■»» the l nite<l Staīei#. iiul tlu* evasion ofpr-ihi-bitory lav. st<.i>prd until ith ell<'ettv h«d lft'i». thoroi:py tcMed. We defv S.S., e r any oti)er n:; n v>f the suiue staiuj». to prv)Ve that ti»e human r.u*e was ev- r <<r is beneliteti hv the it»e uf iileoholie svin»ulants or t<i prove that it is a hlessiug th&t woiild \vrong t,» pro(iibit.