Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 418, 25 Malaki 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
1W (M «f tiM Wft «WMnk «Md« «M7 inmwe m» «r «k* BUad i« IW IWm* »imli miHlm aigkt «T i)m Bteto H«ll • wk ip Tk«dīt. l»kjlN 1 T
Tbni* Box &r tl»Sa*eu<| |iye And ber gue*ta, ii tb* emn; ] ōf tbe Pa!tfoe y*ri! n«*sr tbe hotei. j wouidbo th4> prop«; thitig to enjoy i llie Unud 2ui»cerU ai tb<; liaUi preisiM. Tb«i ibe iinonli of tIM oum«»o--nitjr <• relmgreeeing bMnj oor artlcle« on toeidi #vll weie 4ia j oouticiu«d. Ulhe aoeki ovil eon*j iiniioa, fbr Un ia(Hj of lbt Cii|r < froiß Sodom and Gomorr»b*s<taMft, j *e «ay be obtigMi t* ttß tk; wicked io npeniao» &»d lnm ihen from tb?ir tiil wsyt before ii; ■ - ; i Thai ceriain marrkd W9te seen dHviQg| to|etKer one MMi, an<i a fcw «Binutesafter pdrtßg of witb a eoopie of jreilow jaduto wiih blue lviittons. We expeeied a repetition | o f ihe Heiberti»gion affp;r here, \t ippean ihai ibe eftect on ihe elimak 1 10 more eooihing end forgiviug. Th«it the »teamer Kiuau and Likei'.ke «an a hennarphridite-brig t 'o be the Grectan cralt. mlltii the T,ycurgus. wilh a whalee in tow . lt is «aid ahe i* atoBe<l wilh "stii)k>^oU/ v suqrfi r.£ ia used 111 Chiite*e |iirat<r-juiik*i whieh the. brig uneii when a(,|>roac!icd 100 n«ar i»y u:ūnviU*d gueata. . La hiki no! T!iai th<» ]{<»v< rr.im nl !$. ser!'u. t '!y Ihii r f ariuitig :!u' i*ew Jredg♦»r »m! of ?endf!ig hrr in iom of •he ' Aler:/' .'fo-.peise the umienors -tr«»n ' rjft. The o(R<-cns and erew ifrt tu i>e wei! p«id f<*r f ri\r t!»ey wi \b: !iitmotizei! hy th« slrunger. That Admin;l Bowler «nd Cap Uin Couk w iil eaeh take the Aknuk««i the Kaimiloa. mnd fara. |iart of the fleet, wiih the AU*rt, C«»ui tnodore K»ce, tui- i ihe new Dredger followmg M»i> in c)iargT of the Risdun iro»» «u eaee of reuairs. Th»i Rey iiond Or ive wit! «Jfer grand mdnceinei:te to <»ur young people. to pl»y the k( H)ieiUng in ihe Dar* in theory. dorlng the aab!e cover <»f nighl on ihe oooaakm of ihe AHon Pionie. Ko douU ihe ohanee w«!l be «ttbraerd by tln free ihinkem, Tliai a yoong ww«mi«i wbile driving la«i around a eomer, nearlT eame in oont«€i witb a cab ooaaiag akxig ooial g|reel» et*d s«slng ibe danger, ineii ncUT«)y oried Mt **Obt «Mim! M al *G* bavd. w WorWTa Fair Ommm* »enew aet U jesl«>day Md dtoe«aisd tbe tr%Mpk*tU* o*ybe* wlOi Ha da®e Prie s«d ber eiaile «f binb kieā«fa lo <2bseego> Mt eneplki •w Berge« isl bis Eeyal Hawaiian all «wder tbe care aod es* ol tbeObicf CHek oftbe l«lenor De|iamseeit at%d A4j«t*nt Wfc* Na ia lee|Mer 00 ibe het« sad hrtats ef iieMiiMl irbg»foMi|y ia ba)**d ■rrr. .
«M «H : ■•4 BUBAtuiT datotcf k '.s'i■V.^' : ' { PBOTWTTtOH Tt> HOU ODlbTKI2i3 ?. W« tit in tLVor K «ar »Miv« p«>doi V, Bfee «ii% fI«A% «eol. totec«>, jtc. l>iiilwmi lo**ndtf inf*i MTa|Ma t md aleo lt mmt b* ik* āmt& «141mQi* ;«Mbt,iaito cMtn»Ss nwil Hiif <nin» i » k> fgi9» pnlwwMe I» Mtfam! imīowiumMMii. UK-Ai. ' UieSfeww^U^2sl2»m2r dM. wteid«tfQ|liti tk# M0 «#» <** •«» p.-n>jrtlt« 4 Mm f*Mb ■MM> < W *"** " «I SHmlSm ■*rUmi«rUß; o,' iMi lewi mmM|m t lur«l is>i rr.emt ji< fUBUO S£RVAim. A. iitfc*r it«ii!t(«2(l | vil ivrvi«t. The piiaeipk «I tk« m». I tkm of oiieei* ol Um % Uw peuple snctt!<! «HUUni ttdM ' *wn slK>u!d be illined to MA MM*t ; tban o*tr> uffice ;*f prt-fit, wMfat ahtffa» ! dM>ii)d !« a«JUqu&te eeanpwMaHan 1« ~ th»K.rvk «t mukoil. AH «līwwlin lai-H» r«uiaced sad «II «fa» , rah< or oflk«t iMUmI ; l'tt rrt.V TioN T«/ TIIK LAOOIiHM j C!<Ai«S!iS I * !* v UaM ndMw iH neenn | Usidii.g t» i*a|iri»vi< thr eawiiliMi ef | «erMtt||t W*»*iml CMunMMttiy,«iUh •»nt.mj<trinir > irjr v«>«ted ri|hlK, «e mŪ 1 « t*» j>rvvrat al! fwctbt<r iae> | p«rt«liop or enpio/nenl ef wtmi , Uly*r «4 auy Uni, npeai' «o»d)tūns j wh:dt » 12 hnaie it iaio « mineee m| ! drgniUtg ci.(n|eUtk B witli |ree He«e . aen \>t white kbor. We ehell eh% m the i of t2» hetter imnliiin'wM <1 : tbe i* * r. *jfc (or kon llhi:tel I oi thrir pro§ierif fiwt foretd edFon« i eretiua. »»d trocn eusarc le hiMliniimlo j |.:wecdtu£. » I BMALL IAMMLNU AMD 80X1 I HfrEADtf. ! 10. Tlie «eehh; frecCM ef e«»M^db- ' n-i ' i h'nmn |iiTTMiil<dUiininmie|i ; «ent f4en i»idß|>endii«itehwB el nlhiuiii, Uw |»übi»e I»JM)e hete hai eeqeifed aai : het« bcn Ued «p » t few tiei>fti m , ierr«ifed to e«i lewenlee, ead mrrt i k^2|Jl Wft | eepHelnle; M«e eo»i) hmiM fle «■! īnniil °* *** IMk, «I ,L * tnttM^if I hU " A ri nHinimii iUmimi» ilhiMniie si£^SrSS mmiiKKm. %rn ihai M||H mi h MM g| =S^~i?ss£ sa*ir-£fc J, ss2? ir£ iWAtowtoh» m> sfejsrj!ws2?^ ,^ijsfs ttaf NM mM Mni īmmi. IMraDVnKBET9 lt in»iwHliMi«l«*fe>