Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 418, 25 March 1892 — Wanted a Land Policy. [ARTICLE]
Wanted a Land Policy.
j The mofct prei»siuK w»:»t of thi? coantr) ii? u-lan»! |K>jioy 4 or thc k .pr«v jnei»t crit»isi. WVaii.ni tfouu* meane ot atreeting tbt* ēxodus« ct the tlesirabk- j;gric u'turuJ c , aBß who are barnnng oui. of ihe cmintry |and th« firet ,point that 18 to hold out stronger inUjcementB than our Hoiuestettd Act otferJ lor the BetUement of faoiilteß upon the land. In certain of the Bouth Auienean republics not only ie the lanel given free to bon&-fide &ettlers; but help is afforded by the eiale to enahle them to persevsre until tbey | heeooie Beif-supporiing. In eome Statea a bonusof two and a half cents is given a year for four years on eaeh coffe« tree planted, and the State is in a measure re«oupHi l»y a hght ezport duty. The gOTernixient should at onee reddce the prict* at what it i« Cffering Home6teau land to tbe lowest poiut to whioh it e&n stretch its: authority—even to give it nway in order to induce settlement. The puhlie ean safely be tru*ted to approVe such a poiicy, auei it may Ikj | t:ifely eaid that thc e.iu ! not-l.» other th;vn ratify i*. Th<? fact that a nuniber tht ! I tive nohility, who art* |>ror.iifitnt : land gharks. niay fetl uAPei tt-d tbert-1 hy, ie iiuthii)g to the pu'oiie. His i a well known tact tha\ a lew j out of a large nutalKr of 1 ts are j taken \ip a:>d ihe condi' on things d?»iiifnds thnt lh<t f ai.tv pricoe fet f>r ?;k!i !hihl< s!uJ! p->kv ; be rvduced to the towtM figuie. |