Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 418, 25 March 1892 — JAY GOULD'S "STOMACH." [ARTICLE]
Laie exchange« t**ll us tbat the railway saagnate is a sick raan &nd iii« stonach ean now holel nothing tironger than «rarm boiled milie. and that his ha® &hri *eiled up to diuiensiond th.it ure ttboormal and hopcless. , Think of it. a millionaire with all the luxurie« of life at his eomnand unable to eat ! What a pommentary on — so called. | Titne was when Jay Gould cuuld. and did Hwallow a whole raiiway j and h e aiowaeh h«*Jd gall euough j lo defy" justice and corrupted courts , aod and when at last ; driv *n U hay hk tlien eapaeioue. stomach wa? Uiade to di<»gorge nnn? millione of dollare, whieh was but a amall portīon of hi? plunder. I Jay Uould i* a wrecker aud rob- j ber of other peoplea fbrtunes, hasi carried on his fan;oUB career ginw | 1870 almost unchecked. He had ( robbed more widowa and orphanß.| than any living man. Aa a dit-j honeet gaūibler and lhief he , on recv>r V T\ithout an-. equah and j lhis i* th» only c;ipacitv iti whieh M an Aiīiericau eiliien, the uanie : of Jay Gould »s known the woi ld j over. If tlie auathemas of viciimg • driven to pov /ty, anel thc eon , tempt of honeFt a» *n had the &pi-! rit power to shiivel Bi»r<'- • lj it would he easv to account for j tbe contracti6ns of j.iy (lould's giz-1 rard But Juy (Jvvuld is about to be en?elopod in the white robe of Freibyt?rian 6enctity. Tfte railroad robber has been dividing with the Church by helping u Churcb eiteoaion'' and l>r, Paxton, the eminent Presbytorsan divine, says his M home life n is lov«ly, whieh reminds us that the lialian brigand geoerally makee tbe sign of tbe crosB before be cuts his victims tbroat. The •peelaele of TeUel seliing īnaulfßoei« (whieh fired tbe m*l of lnitber) had palliaUon, inasmoob as for 'Hho eaae and graee A>oe for tb« ricb," part of the fees «is held for the poor; whereas the rule of Preabyteriaii Paxloo« tbt> -converted" nSagnate wili be reoeived witb opeo arms and no aaked beyood a udeelaralioe M of betief ia tbe faitb aooord* to Dr. Paxtoo aod bis Wlow aAnmon mnhippm. The *pect*cle of a ncb bighway■u «ko eßoeped hanffing, ot a lit» ltlg K lUilMl in pneoo, only be-1 ettie of bts aodadty aad power to eorrapt, betog reoeived ioto Church lellowahip ia an immoral spectaole for young and ooiy ewūrm lbe eommou impreeaioo of men aa I*ll* ahaA cbaraoter of a freat ēml li tbe »«if «t/led M Srangel>e*l Okmkm" iU Hb*imyAf aMSderal lad«l«eMes | >rV