Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 417, 24 March 1892 — VACCINATION DECLINED. [ARTICLE]

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M«s lfeotbeiveie tbe I# aod en tlm # IMi to iieoaaa tbo ooUmi ef gofero* foeot pipeMpo ot 800 in mp»d te tbe raeirfni<ltw *&>*•; Tbe ieeOlt of tbe iMjltkiii weeo a govemment phyriobui, aod peti» tkma have been eeol to tto Beati j aeftin| 1t to ftoav« him. Bome of tbe Hilo parente ba?e etated opeaiy to tbe pbyaoiao tbat tbey wouki eboot him if he ever ondertook to -raeoinate tbeir obildreo. Tbia feeling iedw totNptf> tiality ahown in Uie eaoeioaUoa of and Hawaiian cbildren ia Um paat» dbftreot limph beiogoeed fer eaoh elaaa, ak» tbe tbeory tbat leproey b«« beeo q>oad io eonee qaeoee ae advaMtd b? m<dieal ao» tboriUea