Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 417, 24 Malaki 1892 — A POLITICAL MOVE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tbe <Uffieo!«y whioh baaaadden ly arieen in tbe peaoaahie aetUemeot uf tbe Mriag Baal Ftehery tioo ioha 801l aod Bagte Bam b«a mated a no aligbf yimprearion thet trooble ia immiaael between tbe two 8ogl!ab epeak iftg raoee, We are of theopinion, bowever, tbat notbing a*rieoa ia meant beyoad a politioal ditereion in favo." of tbe adminietrationa tbat govern eaeh oooatry doring tbe eoming eieeUooa. Tbat and notbing more.