Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 417, 24 Malaki 1892 — MELTING AWAY. [ARTICLE]
Tbe OeUene Oiwlli «ipwllM with paio aad r«gret {haUlieEmpetot of GeraMAf'a anee iamelting away umier th* eap> rioe of tfa« boar, aod daetaring tli»t ci-tiseaa <msht to nni«e aod drlire from ol&ee tbe Snpmr 4 a danfmm adTiaera t at»d givs hini ehanee te read tbe mind of tbe ptopie. Tb» expre—ion of pein md ragret emdodiee Ka Lso'a feeliegß witb re«o Hawaiihi praaebt tolar isd btf adviaere. A aplebdld pertiinity baa beeo iSnM kr ltajeety to inaie an n*me,wbicb rf«bwfHtt(«d a«i andoytojay tead teaa tamaeid fcol ing of &ntipntbj «|iiwl meoar* dud INrM of|omsiatM new eo»dnoted in HawaU aei.