Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 417, 24 March 1892 — THE PRESENT AND FUTURE. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe newa frooa abroad by tbe sfieuner Atwtralia ie onos\udly in« liniiliniL Thee*ideoeMo£egieet commotion eeon to take plaee in tbe werid aie aaapming mere defiaHe*eea, a»d tbe basia fwr it are inkl in tbe etruggle betweeo tbe oppreeaed a»d oppreeeor. Ofeoum; tbe ooimineUon of tbe Ume of tmbk n»y be feept off fwr awbUe kmr. say • year or eo, but xt wUI oome to tbe vaet majori(7 of tbr people of tbie apbere in a time wbea tbe leaat iook fer it. Tbe Ume of tbe naUooa dietreae and peq»lexity «n upon ihem to> day, and men'a btart are ftu!ing for fear of eome anknowa danger. Diaeaee» famine. peaUleoee, and mie ery are prominent featuree of newe from aii parta of the world» io addi* tion to tbe ▼ariooa opheawUa in tbe eoeial fabric of nationa and of aooi*ty* Tbe importa»oe of the newa of tbe etraggle neing on whioh haa mcbed; w ar*ttiegroet labor etrikea in Eng land and on tbe Et»rope*n Contin-! ent; tbe eeeialietie egitation whieh i ia growing duoaio in ali parte of tbe world, aM Bwo|9o«Awit|i £a*i*od. 6eraaany aod Aeeliia, Mt 4km* tad Jride mm ef tlw 2mb tbing> wbieb are fcoeloSd in bygoaeag*o tbatahaUoome to pan. To Tenfy wbat eay and «r groonde of belief, weqoote lbe fo!k>wing: M Tbe Boropean Oownmeote are boginning to be iiaraed «I tke epread of poiOie mteer?. Tbeßeriia riote and tbe dwiurb«NM whieh ba*e foliowed tbem in !kntste aad Brt>m»wiok are proola ef an ahoonaai etete of tbinga, »ftd we ind «n» tbe worktnen in tbe petty towneol tbe ooeby of Anbait takiog to pUlaging bakm* aai Mtm' ehopa we may bt anre tbat tbe dammr ie real. w InA«atna, iaßĪiria and Italy, tt»e d!iUw« iad miaeiT iini eoa* iaed to tbe poer, bnt to all nlaw. AH tbeaa oeoaieneee are UwimHi of haaaaa aoHaA. Tbe eeU ls aa eonemoa te4ir aa it bee beeo ia tbepaat. Tlednai» W*x«bt ta in Hie obaraoter of tho ar.UT. Tbe bonndlam weakhee» teringio tbebandeefafrw aaen;tbe greed for m<«e; Um atrwggie far power; tbe in<»diftate «Ma. ibe diabotteal trah of eoeraeter tbat firet reeelted agaiaat ali ordar and perleetion ia tbe main ipring |»> da f for ali tbe mieery of tbe btt* aan &mily. Lat tbe pritta af mieia of aatfene aeeat, aeid tbe laat ibr power awl «eeHli give way la ebarity aad gaod«flll toali maokM, tbeo kr«a »tanifing armkb wiii oat ba reqaired, aad tbe abb badiod meo tbat are now luroad to be dranee oo a ooootir, will heeoaae Hke tbe bwy bee a oontribotar te th« eoataaaaee of r netioa »be indiridue) to tbe ebbf roler of tbe Atate. tN p*rhapo we ma? amt im«ie<idiiig HooMe fcf o time looger, j