Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 417, 24 Malaki 1892 — Page 4

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This text was transcribed by:  Ikaika Kaliher
This work is dedicated to:  Awaiaulu


"E Mau ke Ea o ka Aina i ka Pono."

John E. Bush

Luna Hooponopono a me Puuku.



            The news from abroad by the steamer Australia is unusually interesting.  The evidences of a great commotion soon to take place in the world are assuming more definiteness, and the basis for it are laid in the struggle between the oppressed and oppressor.  Of course; the culmination of the time of trouble may be kept off for awhile longer, say a year or so, but it will come to the vast majority of the people of this sphere in a time when the least look for it.

            The time of the nations distress and perplexity are upon them today, and men’s heart are failing for fear of some unknown danger.  Disease, famine, pestilence, and misery are prominent features of news from all parts of the world, in addition to the various upheavals in the social fabric of nations and of society.

            The importance of the news of the struggle going on which has reached us are, the great labor strikes in England and on the European Continent; the socialistic agitation which is growing chronic in all parts of the world, and more prominent in England, Germany and Austria, are causes that lead the more studious and sedate to ponder over as events which is nothing short of evidences of the fulfillment of those things which are foretold in bygone ages that shall come to pass.

            To verify what we say and our grounds of belief, we quote the following: “The European Governments are beginning to be alarmed at the spread of public misery.  The Berlin riots and the disturbances which have followed them in Dantsic and Brunswick are proofs of an abnormal state of things, and we find even the workmen in the petty towns of the Duchy of Anhalt taking to pillaging bakers and butchers’ shops we may be sure that the danger is real.”

            In Austria, in Rusia and Italy, the distress and misery is not confined to the poor,but to all classes.  All these occurences are the results of human action.  The soil is as generous to-day as it has been in the past.  The change wrought is in the character of the human @lly.  The boundless wealth @tering in the hands of a few men; the greed for more; the struggle for power; the inordinate pride the diabolical trait of character that first revolted against all order and perfection is the main-spring today for all the misery of the human family.

            Let the pride of rulers of nations cease, and the lust for power and wealth give way to charity and good will to all mankind, than large standing armies will not be required, and the able bodied men that are now forced to be drones on a country, will become like the busy bee a contributer to the sustenance of a nation from the individual to the chief ruler of the State then perhaps we may avert impending trouble for a time longer.


            The Cologne Gasette expresses with pain and regret that the Emperor of Germany’s splendid inheritance is melting away under the caprice of the hour, and declaring that citizens ought to unite and drive from office the Emperor’s dangerous advisers, and give him a chance to read the mind of the people.  This expression of pain and regret embodies Ka Leo’s feeling with reference to Hawaii’s present ruler and her advisers.  A splendid opportunity has been afforded her Majesty to make an illustrious name, which she has frittered and neglected, taking a course which will undoutedly lead to an increased feeling of antipathy against monarchial forms of government as now conducted in Hawaii nei.


            The difficulty which has suddenly arisen in the peaceable settlement of the Behring Seal Fishery question between John Bull and Eagle Sam has created a no slight impression that trouble is imminent between the two English speaking races.  We are of the opinion, however, that nothing serious is meant beyond a political diversion in favor of the administrations that Govern each country during the coming elections.  That and nothing more.


            Mass Meetings were held on the 15 and on the 19 instants to discuss the action of the government physician at Hilo in regard to the vaccination of children without giving public notice and informing the parents of the same.  The result of the meetings were a unanimous condemnation of the government physician, and petitions have been sent to the Board asking it to remove him.

            Some of the Hilo parents have stated openly to the physician that they would shoot him if he ever undertook to vaccinate their children,  This feeling is due to the partiality shown in the vaccination of foreign and Hawaiian children in the past different limph being used for each class, also the theory that leprosy has been spread in consequence as advanced by medical authorities.



            If we come to the New Testament, the Socialism of the G@ -- sometimes going even to the extreme of communism—is manifest.  Christ was Himself the Messiah of Isaiah’s prophesies, only that His mission is conceived somewhat differently from Isaiah’s prophes@ to which frequent reference is made.

            He did not come as a conqueror or deliverer from the Romans.  He had come “to preach the gospel to the poor,” and to “proclaim deliverance to the captives.”  The rich are repeatedly and terribly denounced.  The poor are blessed.  Communism is advocated and practiced.  The voluntary surrender of property for the benefit of the poor is recommended to the rich young man.  It was the one thing wanting.  The precept is laid down to his hearers: “Give to him that asketh,” “and lend expecting nothing in return” Moreover, morality and true religion are made on the most solemn occasion, and in the most serious utterance in all the gospels, to turn not on speculative beliefs, but on whether we have fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the prisoners; in general, in whether we have aided and succored the suffering portions of humanity, in suffering chiefly because they are poor.

            In short there can be no mistake about it – in spite of certain passages pointing in a different direction – the Gospels are pervaded with the spirit of socialism and communism (which is merely the extreme of Socialism) as the predominant spirit; and the “Kingdom of Heaven” in one of its meanings was a society on this Earth in which there were to be altered social as well as moral conditions, and in which the poor were to be exalted and the rich brought down.  The ideal of the Christian Society was equality for social conditions, or if any inequality, it was to be an inversion of the existing one, requiring from the greatest the greatest sum of services and sacrifices; no private property; no competition save to do the greatest good, with mutual love making all possible and warming and vitalizing the whole community.

            We have not the modern formula of distribution – “to each according to his services,” but a far higher rule.  The greatest is to render the greatest service to others, expecting nothing in special in return, and yet therein is to be found the seeming paradox that whose foregoes material things shall gain a hundred fold here and yet more hereafter.

            From various causes, with which we will deal later, the ideal has hitherto been found impossible; but let not any say that it does not exist in the gospels; that Christ did not contemplate an earthly society and that therefore the words seen to have a socialistic significance do not concern Christians of to-day.  The words pointing one way are too numerous to be thus explained away; they did refer to a society conceived as possible on our earth; to a society believed to be ideally the best, and conformed to the necessary conditions of a happy society, to a society moreover capable of being realized.  Undoubtedly then, there is Socialism in the Gospels, only it was not quite state socialism, because the better society was to be brought about by the voluntary union of believers.


            That the Attorney General was heard to say in self defense at the trial yesterday that he hadn’t all his things in Court.  And that he asked for more time to-day, and rumor says he wants also more things.


            That it was said on the witness stand, that the names of Neumann, Ena and Petersen were ordered to be printed in native by the Minister of Interior without a written request – at least there was no evidence of an application – Query what personal interest had the Minister in them?


            That the Whirligig or Merry-go-round on King St has taken a fresh start in business, in consequence of being owned by the police, now that ahe-fa games have been suspended temporarily


            That there is a fresh deal in the opium smuggling and that the business is receiving a fresh impetus, judging from the beaming countenances of the tourists and the genial air of the Marshal.


            That Bush is conspicuous by his absence from the election trial in which he is one of the principal complainents.


            That the two republic leaders of the Liberal and @-Reform Parties, Wilcox and Judd respectively, were to have taken a trip to Kau together, but it was considered dangerous to the safety of the ship, if these two opposite elements should be lodged together in one vessel.


            That old Govenor Stanford was seen out driving with a young lady friend, much to the disgust of his old lady fiends last week.


            That two experts accountants as clerks to the Road Supervisor, were nearly on the verge of insanity trying to unravel the accounts of the ex Road Supervisor.  Both have resigned and given up the job as impossible.


            That the new Dredger will be a beautiful source of expense to the government, unless perhaps the minister of Finance should order it sunk outside of the reef.


            That a yacht or two build in this Paradise of the Pacific by our Bankers and Sugar Kings to compete with that built in the Emerald Isle would be a grand thing to do in these dull times.


Platform of Principle

Of the



1.       We @ that all Government should be founded on the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity; we hold that all men are born free and equal before the law and are and @ with inalienable rights to life, to liberty, to property, to the pursuit of happiness and to self-protection against arbitrary concentration of power, im@ wealth and unfair competition.  We believe that just government @ only by the consent of the People and that when in @ @ for the public welfare. @ and @ the @ constitution of the @.  Kingdom never has had the approval of the People but wa established by @ of a certain @ @ we @ the @of a new @ made @ to @ a @ of the People by the People and for the People


2.       Out of consideration for the @ rights and @ of the native population, we @ to @ the @ of the @ autonomy under a @ with @ and @ with the United States of America should be @ as an to better @ and to obtain more @ in exchange of these @


3.       Our Judiciary system and code of @ in a @ to @ a change @ and  @ the Judges more directly @ possible to the People; and we are @ of a more liberal interpretation of Constitutional guarantees of the freedom of speech and the press.


            We  @ use our efforts to @ by @ all @ @ and all @ to @by @ mandatory statutes.


7.         We are in favor of encouraging all home agriculture and industries @ our native products like rice, coffee, wool, tobaco etc. should be protected and @ by proper tariff regulations; and also it must be the duty of the Government in the con@ and other @-times to give preferences to national products over im@ ones.


8.         We desire a more @ policy towards the different island @ of the Kingdom outside of Oahu they should @ a @ the @ the @ and the @ of their wants.  In fact, the @ @ self-government should be extended where by giving localities @ most important of their local @ officers and levy taxes for the purpose local improvements @a @.


Better laws should regulate the Civil Service.  The principle of the @ of officers of the government by the people should be established and no man should be allowed to hold more than one office of profit, whilst salaries should be adequate compensation for the services rendered.  All @ salaries should be reduced and all @ cures or superfluous offices abolished.


9.         We shall endorse all @ tending to improve the condition of the working classes and @ without injuring any vested rights @ to prevent all@employment of @ labor of @upon @ which will bring @with @ Hawaiian or white labor.  We @ all the better @ all the poor, @ of their property from @ and from @ in bankruptcy proceedings.


10.       The wealth fraction of our population have hitherto prevented the development of an independent class of @ the public lands have been acquire@ have been tied up in a few hands or parceled to suit favorites and small farmers and planters have been driven out by @ or @ of capitalist; but as small farming is conducive to the stability of the State, it should be encouraged by a new and liberal homestead act. by which the ownership of small tracts of land and the settlement thereon of @ of our present population  -- and especially of the native Hawaiians who have been left almost homeless in their county – should be @.  To that end the Government and Queen @ ( @ without @ vested rights) should be @ on @and @ upon @ of @for a limited @

            @ should @ government@ and @ in all @the @ of the @


