Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 416, 23 Malaki 1892 — After the Monarchy — What? [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

After the Monarchy — What?

ReaderB'Ol Ka are aware that the articles wc have recently publMfaed on lhe generai political •itßAtion have orove<l Beveral thingn beyood and ehan-« of Aucce«Bful deniai. In the first plaee, we have ahown, not only that thc Hawaiian monarchy 18 a very "transicnt in--Btitution M but that its teuiporarv and fleeting characler is inherent, due to the essential cond itioivs of its h)Htory and surrounding.<i, and incapable of being r<»uiedie<i In the #>ecoml phiw, u e hav<» call<»<l attentioii to .wh.it *careely rv'eclt< anv deinor.strativH: tli.it the nia'Ueup of the.' royai family aiul fhe cour?e |»uj.-iiuml l»v ■th«* {ip m'i t Queen havt* alien u» <i th«*■ ;iir«rti?Mi!* of th" nntivos. olien.lt I the. jii.li;e- . menl- *h'>riiiMl t!ie r»t' ral of in|t llĪKcnt i.no r< s|M»et;,l»re fore y;tvers, ai«tl t r;inisly iintKu. il t.!ie P'Huilarii\ i nd prrstig" of tiie iiu<nareiiy ;r a tini.' wiu-n it lu<l uo lMt])ul:;iitv nui' ]>r'M ; g v s;»»*v. Il ifi to <l'Hi! t ih i; tln» cventf* t)i Imi f»-\v \f:.r- ii t\< f ir? (»• ; u11• I ' i '.i. ! \;; • i: i -» .<■ ftn\l !?'a.|»p 1 .vh.! : - ■ v;l- ' u . rt 111 ... * ;.-l iile.i. 1 n tii" ta;:.{ p. • -. • : av ni.nle i*. r"- ir *' 1 . >t - 1 - \ ;.,•• preM*nt n ;>*:>ir;. i'.i .-u y.. to• r iiiomateri il ••L;.'ry able f'»r fv: :n l:ii.; .1 . »Ivn.:s!y TheHe , ..iul il u» UKel«*a » *ll\.' •. lh«m, u'* ar« brou£hl fan» t » ! nv nilii ihe lion wh'eh Ijcjul- t.i f» .»rtiele. i lu?re are pra:ii <liy only tlir«*i* kindH of g.»verntiimit kiuiw u amoti){ civilise<liiiet». Tu«w »ro, //•%/. a m >narchy. autocratie or liberul nn the eaae m«y be; an oligar chy, whieh i» th*i mle.of an |rt*tocracy or a privil»-ged elaea; hik! tkird, aome form of democracy, inoreoflcM radiral. Whieh ahaH it be ? A pure deinocracy is a governm«At whieh all the cititens tak« a direct and aeiual |iart. The nM«t perfect «x*mpl« of a pure Uenaocracy tn btt (bund in opermuou on anf Urge eeaie in our own iay, and at the «ame time the uioai suc~ . ceafiful i* the New £nxUnd town * meeting. Buch a »7»tem ii t of cour»o, only practicable where the political untt, ms n the eaae of the Kew £ntrland town, iaamall etM>ugh ia ini and population for all the to eome kgether at ooe tixne a«d plioi for the tr»aaaction of p«blic bueinesa. For larfce poliU* eei «IQ|9evcatkm t «tatee, nalionn» *c. % the oiily.praetioable ap| lie«tkn of lh» 4p»ocrmtio tde* liee io a fovmnMnt nf d»H(»lid r powera in whioh th« pw)e are ai)denleod (• be Um «&!&»*» ionn* of auth*rity —4« OUmt 0Ttl» nore

| need be aaid at nleeeni» II ie |boufid to pm *way. How »hort its leaae of life may be no ono ean lter Of an oligarchy'%r it-l«aat of i the ol;garchic npirit aod meihoda, i we havo had, and bave itow, full enough in this country. We d«» | n< »t wa n11*» eee an y fti pth«r grow th in thif dircction. (t woold be noj thing leaa than a |>olitical calainiiy 1 to nave thta poliiieal niaterialize in | conßtitotional provitiona and legialative action, or even to harden into recognieed precedent. The only alternative i« a g<»verntaent whieh shall be, both in fortn and ēuhaianee, "of the people, by the people and for the people." In jiißt what *hape such a government could be b< st orp;anizt i d. and what arrangementa as to details wonld in<yit effectually serve the inteml-t of ihe people, src iuatters whieh, ihmiKh sulx>rdinate to the main are of great importance. Thev will need careful consideration fro»i> the hest mi«<ds aioong UB. as weli ae a p;ttri»tic determinalion to M'ike tho great<».gt good of th*» ere.īteHt number s-.i[M>rior ti» all jMTM»n;»I :md selfisii interrt*tK. \\"e int<'Nil diseusBĪng qn<»B{i«ins i'«litorial!y, and at the f«a:ne :int«« *v«'.lnvi.ie v oniiii'in c;ition ili fither il.ivv.uian i»r ini n ;imv wlm aoj»r 'eia;!* th«> i:n |m#rta* »»* • «»t t!! ♦» | »r« S. .XT4«I ■.wln' w <• tiJ?>«:•* t » 1 ■*?i t h«- r h( .«k *o. v. ir<l i H-ilii'i »n. I i t'ri>«- iis» ; ti: , i »r-T n t. :i ; J !; \s ii - v.i!v . A ■■{>.'■' ■•-.«! :'«■ • vi• , i\ *• •h'om >f int»'ll'Len .» >:n >n > •• i r . i >•.! • .• M; - '■ ,: I >v ; • 1 ; . - : ' • : ■». ,i : • a i •"* : ';>•■« in W-' < -«■«'. 0" in * .. ' - v •.:»• 'i :u> sv «r<{ i< n-,v: :?.«» ■'2m»..'"»t , ! >a: - *!I w«'.«!t ;i i? o.*<> t«> r »r th • vv'er';inj . ('.':ts?« v s i- ' "vv. »:1 iiir' [)»"in n».rl f..,*n;> wliie'i t!i" - «';.ili.-1 v >junt iu»iv asstnn- \ f»'.v;n;' t«» th** f*h.vnL r eil e« n«l:ti.>r»<s , t | mo«l.'rn-in<l". v -ind i i" jr«li> t««»n »f W(',v!th, a'e ?iev,; h*iV ti»« of yneialisiii is :vs r«ld. nian and its g»Mierrtl h;ive alw:iys the «ame — a ti»orv: evcn disuy>ution of weahh of n:oney or worth. a.a the main miterial meaoa of h;tpi>in<«€ ft is eve% a neceegary thing, ileiiueihlu. fron. the nrinei jleh of human nature although nc«t at all times in activo ot»eration. Althotig « in a jpveu socicty the tpirit mav bi sluggish or «lumherinir, though it nmy he cowed or conqueml for a lime, it alirnjra awaitt faworing eomlitions tv» tnanifeet it»nlf agai n. lt eoniep into ?irominence >n a well' deAncd confrontation of rich and po«»r withjout a atrong mtt>rven;ng mnMle cUes: aleo where Mn r • \* a hiph d«*gree of tae divisu»n of l*lnvr, and rvvolntions whieh perplcx o].ini<m ae to right, and in whieh tlie mul* titude nave learued īhc;r j»oivfr: and by a general detenorati«»n of reiigion and morals an# the sprend Sf a materia«ietic spirtt Socialism in the farm of a atrtig* g«* of th* lower ehieeea to r*i* their conditton, ie ae old a« Hie* torv. iā wbich it for®a eoine of the <nost i«£o<irtent tibugh hitlmrto negUcwd. ehapter*. Soculia», in the eenee of a atrugslo for frtntm eqaality t » *e <44 as «vii M m Uw eeper«tioil tf mm i»to

e!ams, oid as Uie «MaKaelioa tw»ij rteb and poor. f*rtbw, il» 9piritof 6«oi»lisi]) t in Uie eiM ol t •et of princip!e* almiiig «t Uie estab!ishing and |«rf«tuitionofi M--88onaW<» prestded mt tbe ibundatron oAiofe tbao one famoua state. Mo*m (who wrote the books of Leviticuß and Deute* ronomv> was 00 far a sociaii*t tbat tbat we 3&n see bi« endeavor. by [jtidietout ir)stitut!ona 4 , to prev«iit |N«t inequality amongst the Jews, while private prnperty «nd inher»tane* are neverthel«ss saoctioned. We find in I/eviticug a By«tem of !andholdinc intended to »ecure reasonahle eqoalitjr T ana a vej*y remarkable institution* the Jubilee. deeiKoed to prevent the Jewish peo* p!e fron» being permaoent!y divore ed frwo tbe iand. We have unusua! cletuency ahown to tbe honest debtor !»v whieh the purpose of good bankruptcy law was effected. ai»d a apeeial provi«ion for the pi>or. if any, sbould appear under a goneral socialist?c polit/ expreaslv deßigned to prcvent exir<'m*? |k>verty. Thv usiirer as an 4 i«oftsil»i]iiy ig if irs»H«n !>y an«i !cgif<h)twi :israiii6t. We find eqiu>litv aiur*l at :iu»<! frat*T..ity inctilcat"d as th< 4 :mir«'s| iiuiinnU'" of efjua!itv. liut :»ll tllM is \ti ih *-rB«s :;cc of (»•*- :ci;i'ti<in. it ;s St:t»> S»,ri;i!iKJtK »*r Socia!i*m emH>di»*«i in t«n;<h:*urnt;'l r:>-'s iu J audrr • t :•"* m ': ;n :i! »1 j: ; :>**ii►| '<•1 I. • \v. 11 lil v:v ■? »<■;" \>Uc« •.'"?>fu: ! v. uorkr t i»« • I' U? .l' * 111 ♦' i « V."t iii .. ī' .. l.iil« "l. 1 i.ii»\!<ni \i m; • ' ' . >! t 1 ,:•:••• i»i. -i';i ■;" *»:r \ ■ • • K w .• t " ' ~ • t'» ';. - . - .*V . .' ■'. 1.-UM. , !m .••,•••. «i ... .1 -i'. ii. V!'"- •' . '» <••'•*••; •»» r*«. . t. • l':"' >. if ••;:.• i, . I*r•.•. 11 1 .; . .i; i»-i>. \V!i «, • l!» U«»L> ;.:«■■ ' *»r. ! ;U! f.'Y ».f i»l.r« ;,t (ilt! •»> ',: <\ni .; 1 k« !>r s »••.- ;.mi p'a.-» •< •;■ i;M r< ;.<i ls.i;ah'> i w.n «"* i 'ijuM- wii » • i»ri 1 .<!' i4 t !i« s t ,| ih<« : . .i.'i ;' tii<>«?e ■* , who v juiii hoiiM' ltouBe an<! «dd fi*'al t<> tuM. ihat j tli«'re b<» «o pla«'•« !•ft m tl< - land;' jof those who, nui ui.līke nuHkm c!ass leg!s!ator9 'Nleeiee unriglit> #>us decret'B u> turn as;de th** needjr | from justice, aml tc the | right frr»m the oour oJ ujy (wople, 1 * | of ihoaa who oppre«i the wid .wand omhun, tbat worst <»f enmea in the ey«« of Jewish tentimenL Sosimilar, in faci :s tbe iist of aoeial and moral eviU, so oommon tbe causes ti\at the words of la&iah ar«ratill tbe dwrīptioiv of our own evils ai>d <if n l -' 1 sovial siiuatlua ——r* To be Cv»ntiuuevl.