Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 415, 22 March 1892 — Socialistic Tendencies. [ARTICLE]

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Socialistic Tendencies.

In the rnym oi tb« Iklhlin vr» «taod oon?ictml of .ndu)£>»u ' •ooulM «♦ w* w!3iing)jr tAf chAfKt .: v • r

conteDapomrv bj pleftdtng gaiit/ to a aociali«tic Jeamng. BociaHftm, is the bogey-man ol the niunopolitt who ie saturaUxl with the immonl prii4C)«leg of our comiii«rdal «y!§-u-;ii. aiui when the men who own tiie earth conibiiie—~a« they invariably ilo for the purposeof entrencfe* in« theinBelvesi in their etrongholtle "f aggres«ion on the re«t of humanity. one of their fir«t act i* to aet ure the press and ti hire brains ! whieh wili denonnce aoeialiam. '

It is a fact reiterated in theb? coluDiDB, tnat our small eommuni-! ty is honevcombed with trdsU. ('ertain capitaliaU are combin«d hew to hold control of food eupplies. the meane of trftnsport« amd as a well known fact the entire newspaper presa aleo. ouUide of Ka Leo, is owned bv and run m tbe intereBta of monopoliaUe atockboldera. The one consiant dread of tbe monopolist is freo apeeeh, and by buving up new«paperB he does JbiB puny bcst io muzzle public opinion. Their the monopolistic newspaper boasts th»t it is always respectable i and ehoiee n diction, as indeed the representativeof wealth and cultur-! ed lei«ure Bhould be. and the unlift-, inK.df' its kid-gloved editorial haikd I is considered suflicient to eilenoe the 1 -depe..ndēnt'iif6letarHit.' ]

* it tbe aiui of th<? peoph» to bring j\l>onl a grea;er eqimhtv of siK-ial cundithtii£ vliich ie thf hasif of it<v cialisii) haf con>e to «lay. The cf Ihe people un«ier ihe I><*tty hānd of exploiters of the pōor inav en<]ure fī»r a night. but the jov of hrighter inor«:ng i> brenKiiJg; for t»ur frtiih, <>ur re:iwn. o«r ktiowleUxe tell us thnt theg:r<-a: evolutiojiarv fc»r<H*s are with ih<* pi'oplē. The constnnt i>rc«ei'c<- of a vn<t nia«s of h-īinan niis»'ry »r;# ii»C fr the monojH»:y of thc aourcc? o! - weanh an«l ihe C;>pitalisiic exaetions le*!< d U|>orv Lal>«>r. is here.as el»e\vherē, generating ev*»n in the educateU c iafl*es. a «ieep dia» conteut mul a ?piritual unml, wiiieh aii Ihe p.-»larēr of profession« a) 80phistrv is poweHe*» U> infHenee. The sna?sep in ihi» fonntrv "wiil have no confute:ic<3 in the adinin~ i*tration of its affa;rs hv Hing and Trv»st makers. .ind o«rner«. The Konohiki and the exacting Crown Lands lessee and the usurer and the lnnd shark and the ?lave owner, may have their morning and evening organs of the prc»B; but a* the reprc»entative of ekw privi!ege the j»eopk ohject to the direct4on of their intere«U bv tuch a hrood, ereti if the Bulletin Konohiki. &nd the Advertiser u#i*rer and slato owner, agree atnong th?mselvefi to Uke turns about poit tic*l hekn.

Socialisra is tb« eommon bo)ding of the mean* of produption »nd ex* ehanpe. #nd the holdiny of tb«m for thi* of at<\ and lo thii so«) hutnanity is BUrohinfr with firui aiui r*9oU\\t Kemohiki. •tid owner. h* »mr»d of tb« UvX! k *-* # * -