Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 414, 21 Malaki 1892 — [Illegible] SHALL [Illegible] [ARTICLE]
[Illegible] SHALL [Illegible]
r t ... \ , t.-i i;ur |>Vc vvcut ~aii : .i-*ur■rxisU'not» as a gov<Tiuiv: r.!. Wiihin tlie |>aht few ; 1»* -»i: 1 >j«*ol h°.B prown in---!iii'lK»r-tanv" aivl n*et*iv»Hl. at- ] to:-tt*«»u V~um :.ii Kv**n the n;tt-iv»iS' f>t tirf •«;>! .«> lake the ! !ca>t m l.i> ;'.re: inUW. d ;v: it. frotn inat»y j <'auB«'H, t»r'MAxiir("i!i .t!ii >ng whieli it ] tho.l\»rm ■■»! sr.' v vt :rn**i»i whieh shall \ gi i hvt»111 :■■'•! »<>t m'arant <*e of«*juai! ■rights--n:i«l I" rt firom«»tb their w«»l- i fai Si'lf y.r rv..tioīv an<J iiv« j tem { are : :i' : proiiiuu»nt Btimul i - ! hat h:rs jv«ius> d the people'B j min\l to >tu«]y ■H«.'<: , .ly ■ .thtv- prcp #, .nt' Aituati.on a:i*l t<> :.vcrt thc iiievu-1 al»le eiihas^r t li;it i - homul to fol- j low th»' <i> i iini» :a our m.iin in- ■ dustry. ■ ■ ■ Th. e uiiiK i;.itv, l aft« r havingliv-1 rd in i:ixui v wī « v<-r tcn Vf;ns, h»ft l»»'0!i r»uh'ly awaki'iM'U frotn thvir drciun «»f eomimwM pr»»?|HTi ; tv and fiiul th«uim ives un th?* v»Tj;e of bnnkru].u;*. failur<* aml want. This n t li.i?vg" i» a« t v»*ry one kiu>ws. t»> a »/hnng»» iu t:u>tra»h* policy of the l"iu:* »i Stat*-s .>f Aui». erioa, \vith wlmm liav hi ti «xm»!ii»Tr:-il r'*ī;.tit!U«. th.il b;»K :n:ult.' Ua' ricli :in«i \v:in.'»n, tnstv.m «if i>e ing niwe anJ pnnh*nt. y%'iiilt* o»ir trt*atv rei:ttio:is f;ivor;vhU* tv» •is , i.i;r .a! :U«iī-* r s sh(u;iu lsave |»r«>v;d« f! ibr -*a :n our; hv ilr»v.'!i.ii:ng' -olh«T iini3 imr .v;11 i *;:t* >ir.:iietiy pr<»litH whu;ii ;Ih v jit*:v tr. ii\ : itif from th»-! ■lx»untv - t :: fr' 'n|]v p«'<.ple, who; v,vr«' K iUmio :* :i>t t!«'fth«t their ; k.t»«iii«'.->' \v< r< « .t.''-(itting the na-i ttv«* of ihe « ;«uutrv ■;t,i-t««ad of a lew { ;n« , n, inaui' up ipally of Kum • |>eans. Thc- 0».... inly pnneiple*. of oar m»*n, avaricej aixl 9<*]iishm'>t<. taugat that thj» fiut*e»*ss <»t 9ugft'r »lej)enileil« m;»inly on the continuance <»f the eon.nn rcial «dvantage whieii ; *o eiij<iye«l by tr**aty wifh our j?rfat' an«l jcoo«J! cij:hi»or, whh not liicely to la«t ft»nw<T. i£ii4**s<i *«f «ei king to j inamlaiu th»* pro«penty ot tl«eeoun-i trj. a»(i a«i rl il*Hjif«UT by : Mt«x«lyiii|r j gr«attt Itho u« iJ» ?.r%nVac. <*fj itiur :nJustric¥, hitf | iwii '\ ji' :y withtirui*'irg an«l m . yeftin»f thvir !>urpla- vs>in ii» olht*r' <' »utitri »H, a:»«l hav«* r.'tinsl! froni t!i«* v iun-ry .m«i are living at j th«* pn»i.ictf« of iWtuaiian s»> t i ;,n.| :;;t«>r iikt* r».ri lrisbj ian<ln>rti The exp» <*t« i eh tttgt» h.<B <*ot.n . Ainon us; it h<i.« r *at ui;iny v»f our capituli«lii m :i.r v ry « i\ lirfo sutfir enterpn.sei». ii r.:t* C»i leo upon aome a* e» ar«? »i.!i «>rug- \ glin« und»r a i»t*uvy «i«*ht, umi np*! oia Qtbm% in m fnriurn eoiiiiiuon.; T)m muil M Iknnneial Uiiitr»*M Anti | lMvltelle W«nknpu*y to tuaur; ** ! «ko& of o«f d««tui| populatii*n. | lfetl*irtri«cit«g Utt UU»orinir| &Ci• «# tfet esmoUy; tbebu»k«n «*<lurtb*r^ iMipiiM I» i«
•imiml <mr mm iodu«try miw *• . awoep it nad»*r for a titiie at MMsr 9 ! uuiil a wiie, more pru<leot, aaV| 1m Belfish adDaini»trati«rrr of the iitd«i* trial iote.-v»ta «>f th« ctnintry i« inaugurflted. whieii will i»o doul>t re-V!V«-i! :;gain. • \V • attribut!* <>ur prt;tr»nt troUble U> īie one olne, but" thos« who will s r the iundt bv it. The iinordi«loj»irc t»> arn:tßH wi-alth h »»< tl< veio|j<Hi an unjuBt ft-yji>ii) m • nianageiuent of our agrrieu>tu ral int*re#tB. riot H:iti£jficd witb J the immeiiiM* pr (it3 to be <leriv«ii by h*gltimatc nieāna from a getier'oua goil. an<l wi. h»nds to till : it, tiie capitallfft ba» . een unscrui i>ulouf iu the u«eoAlīiaadvantttgea. The gf>vernii»eiU ha» t>ee;n uieii to > a?*!Bt in every |>oedible manner to | help the culture and roantifactare |t»f stugur. Evory olh<T interertt h&8 |be«n H.icriii<xHi to it. Offleiais I have lxw>n api>ointed to o(Bce for 1 w,ir.H»lyTi!iy <>tbt*r pur)>o»e than to j l >ok aftt«r the welf:*re of the pUnlan<l ti> h#Hp hiu , even to the p»ibvt*rbion <»f our Uw» and «up- • proosion <>? frtcdoin* AH. i"verythiug h.as f»ubordiinaU*H i to su«?ar. chi«*fexocUtive j w;:8 nt>t ahove b*Mng nia«Je a flunk»*y .;in! ♦<> loj»e hirt life eventuaily toj »*erv, 4 it>if* prrc?at in<lustry, whieli j | vvas ct»ntrol!e<l by t\vo b:mkerB. anti ; th< r 8 U»*Mi"UT aiul Uh)» I *. • An<i now tiie quet*i: >n arta* 1 *: | " Wh.it nhali it be ?'' next. T<ie | ;<!'«< ry in regard U» the iiKaivh f«»r proteetio«? our i*vt«-ii r BtB anel of j av< rtin2 iinj» ndinv( dii;»,4< r iii »iow | ■■j the g»*iHTi«l s*<iuiy and <?;ii)je«*i */f j | i <!:iVtTBation amntt£ bu«i:». .s« iiien, ; an»l p»ftp']e in u» :i"ral. l'lnin. :>nil 1 'aehenie» hei«>c lonimiaU'il .irul i ' preMst. J unou J l;e sv veiviirn un«i p»v | |ernmt*!»t. *.vil!> iul anv <.on-;<lei itu»n ! i _ - ■■ * j jft»r rijht ;n«l f«»r j«i>!iiv.- A!int x ' the eo'jntrv; v»ll H»t; ,!»!:lfee.' it ;l re | pul>]:e; t>r:i -■* .('«iinv • n«'r.i«'s it:to ;it; i» iry « v«tv vemi|fi» ««i* ev«*rv !b«»«f;. -V inUTest out t»f eight; nvik«* , t«» er»sl;{Ve th** :>r«T)le: ppoii the ;Tiv:isury; «h» ai»y tning rijjr<*t; ori wrong. ou»y nve our knnkw,; iagt ntb:, Hugnr plantera t and il.eho^l, j i»f menia!s who at tho *Vcl; ; of their mastt rs —the oamt:»li*tH. I liui how Huoui other in«hn jtri« 8 ? iiikl how al>out other j>t'«<p!i : ] ri{(htH ? l>ht» b'av»i liow ? j