Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 413, 18 Malaki 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


I*KINCU'LK UF j(tOVERNMS.VT AKD CONiijr!TUTIOS . 1. W« dee« b«t «II GoTwiim«ml ehouUl be founded on ihe of Lib«rty. £qnaiHpr aml )>>it»rnitr; we bold that al> man *ro b.>rw f«» *ad eqoa) t»foiv tho law &ad »re «*.nd wc<i with in«li«<utble righU to lile, to liheHn to proper|p. to tiic «amnU oi hanpiiw« iwi Uf BeH*|Wot«(wm againj?t arDjtmry oonccntrai»on of f»w«r t irreB|*«i&ibl« wealth, aml an(ttirfumf«tition. Webe lteve thal jrt»t rtvernm*"W only hy Uk» oonoeni of the axid tt)«t» uiien it beooravB B«oeaMi?r &»r the > lu* wellan> t th©y may »holith exirthig f rms arKi trt»bitah mor«advuitaaeouB aml «H)uiUb)e «ystom; and, sa the pte**nt C'on*t»tnUon of tho Hawaiian Kia*» doiu never has hdd theapproval ofthe b«t¥fM kstfth3ie<kd by inUmk dation and (ikm for the benefit ol a certain dass. tt»frefore we fmr the tdoptk»n of uwm and n*sre Hheni Con--Btitotion, to traly «wore a GovcrnaM»nt j£th* 6y i hophtßd^rUi« JUDICIAivi* EEFOR»4 ; 8. Oor JmlicfaJf ayalt»n> aad Codeol rrocedure u««t be «abt*itt*d t* a ther~ ooffh TevMon« maa H' fteenrt a eheēp ftftd pi\Hapt adminfartrtttion ef of ftJI «eetariMi paliaan «plrit. nd lo' MBftibl» tft th* iWle; Iftf VI an» bi fevor of a «wre Uhanl \mmpr«*kam ol OMstitnUoiift) r«M»«fttft «f &e *f apaeeh aad UmKww? - J taxatiok 4JLjft«t Hfthi th« |MNBftß% wW|aftMtise« Wil§st} «* »wi^.«syte«rtte>rwnis> g—>* «I l*«*

1 kfr« wtiieh «li lif«dbSs|r U<(vUe|ot« to »f«*ek! &*t' $p f" rvn«lervii inipo»*ft;kj f % ?«!)* -<|iibi¥ffV 3 mAmi»fc»rv «tatute«. , .>?; PEOTi;CTIim Tf> i|G!f£ls« ' ?! i>UHtmKK -}£? ■ : v ;. 7. Wo 3fn favoj orericowagi»ga£ hotuc *tn*irulture »nd iti«lo«trieg, «?»&& o«r ualn'* producU» Lke rlop, ♦©&»#,* Vool, lohew», etc. thauld be priseete«i mml loelaM by {>ruper tariif r4t»satle&< and a)<*o it Miu«i Ik» <taty <rf th* 4io** H»ut, in ita <tostirftcU «nd otlier «peni' tir»s, to give prefer*iM<s t*> naticKi£[ p-8* o¥ur »&>t)orteri 01 LOCALKKI,P-auVEftSMESX S. We <k*sire «v UM ' t >olicy to* m&rūs ttu> Ui£r«re3it lBU*«di* ul tbe dnu. outak!e UeUia; thor «UoaJfl fe«iv« * £airer peopenion'ai ih&~p3Mfe «kon«vc for the eW v<Losm««its£ ifasM t* «aeMNk wl»wiby giving o»j e&m&e a»»t ittportoikt oi tMr locsl mmii&m oflSc«r», aJwl k?vy Ux*si» fcKr.tb® pnrsQo» l «al fmrroV«tj»cnt« ol a pubjte wiltißNb pubuc BKir/j^m j «. B**ti»*r L «-8 ah >aW €i» ; vil i<«rv4os. TJ«» priaci|4e ol iiie tloo 0! c:T<oers ol iiie peo|>i« ebottld be estaWisboārapd tt& nuui sbouki be to hiM to6BB than ooe ofifee ol oroSt, whtia* mteßbm «iftoold be eonpAKKa&m ler «6dw«d»" Ail«»Whf» larie« sitoiild bd ndw»d . and all sia& c«rw» oi- «O8«rfli»oi» iboll«hiff PROT£CT!OK T9 tflfE LABOt*fclKs CLASBfi» 9. We ehail eadon» aH aieaewe k»dipg t<>impre*e Uie eotMgtfem «I ii» wofkißß eiama, , ont mjuriag a»y v«sled >%!»•, «1 *£ ftdvocate tars le |mW aK h#* iw lm* portatkm or ewiplniumim oi ialw ei ap&i * whieh wiH bris* H iuto • rcim*ss mA dsgnwii!i« with £rae Uawa ian or while tebor. We «ha!i alse. t» tbe ii>t*w«l ofthe bettcr arot«eti(Mi . the poor, aak for s»<we Übfr*l of their pr»>erty fro«n foro«il sftie &k''sk •eaiion aiwi trvm mwi? U haaluoil» proreed;ug. . BMALL KAIU(TKC> *KD H4JHE BT£AUH. Tl>eweaith.v of o«rM^be Jou ffi#9it <4au of eiilam; the pub!ie laii4s have heeo aeooi**! and bave beea tk>d ap i« a aatidB er pan«Ued to sail &ver»le% a»4 «uat * knoen attd bave bee& 4ri«e* W ewrpefatioae or rou:Mi)M 'WpHuiat«ibiilMMM(iiimiiiitj« wh dhicive tothe mMK)tT ol the Bte«e, k AoiiM wi «MwiaN tir i 4 M»r wl »ote iib*ral Ho*M*ieed aēCh? «befe tbe ovtwnh» ef muII t»cto «( hit| and tfce B&tllssßest %b*n*m eltafiKw ?~ga?tSKrsra! - *-* hnmriliifin in tboro mm tf7*eh«Miid ba wiilwrt &aea»td*. sto" ttatMd t UMI gui-jfflsg;aanS gra.j ,Im«tum Im • HhlM* : Mt u m, ■■ kr li>iwwi» 1 lMkmaaA " *" * ** - !■» tt» »o*iel <«55w« >»tite«C KUOKNUI. KIOUT. • ILWiMIMMpaIM £%™?==rrl g^3§|§|nnipuiepwHniii