Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 412, 17 March 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
! ■■:■■: ■■■ / -.V ' , l'HLM'li'l.K l)F <;t»VKUNMKNT AM»| | 'i)NSTiTt T Tlt>\ I I 1. W" timt ~ti!l < , »"V»TU!ii.»ni j ! «h.m1.l lH f«un«kvl ou the |ir:iu'ir:U'K »i j ! LiiHTty, K"*un I .itv aii i Fratenmv; u» | ! !><-!.1 ihatall »i en are lw»rn :tnd emiul | : lH»iurc tlu>.la\\ Hiul are eiul with j ! uia!it'u'iMe r;. M> to l:fo, to īiīn-rty, to i | pi.i|»vrti>, t" '.u' o| .lifti>j»inrsii i I aiul t<< » ti<>n ai:.»invt RrbitrHrv .; i'.»nn'ntraiion oi' n»wer, rrre>|«v>nHihl»: j . an«l uiii:'.ir roino«M ition. Welie i!iat juf.t ;:..:V'*ninii»:it < \ifts < nly ' ,l»y t !;«• « oukmi .«.»i thr IVo}»Ie. an«l t' at, : wlu'ii.il lH'.'om*> n«'4 "vn u v Y<;i llu» |:ul>lie w«'lfav«'. tlrey. in:»y a!«Viiv!i «•xistir.*j ; ti.i m^ v an«!>stal»li«h m«irc a«ivant;*i{i' i;r« ' jin«i etju>?aM.e ; :rn«l. Un' 1 ""nt l'on>t: ':t m t hw I Ja\v-niiau Kn!i<- «< >!»» n,.vt r husi h;M th«-nppnwal «>fliur.*«i|il«v, hui est<>h!is.|«Kl hv inliioi«lati«'ii and fran«i f«»r thi> }>«'n«fit ol' a, t «vrtain «)a?H iln»rff«».n> \ve - favi»r the ( «<l<i]iti<tn of h iiew au«l iu«»r«- UM-ml (*. n(f»tilution. t'i ti uly >tvrirt' a ( tov«'ruim ; . t i <•/ tlre lV.>j»le, /.»/ the i\sn»ie a.iul /n tlu» 1 V«n>le. I 1 .iri>l('i AKY IiKKOUMa | Oui' .1 u«īi* i.iry s\>t<*m aml ('oeleoi j !'r«.K'mli;re mu!»t he.MihuolWNi t«> r. tlu»r- , <>utfh nvisi«>n. m» an t« *s«vune a «lt ap 1 a:.«l itm»npt a<lnttius(ra< i«»n «>f ju!<tief.tr« ■«*; j >1 :tll s«-< |}»rian «>r ;»ati>Hn Kj';rit. u«l t«v ! ieiulvr the J moiv «lim tly w?»i t«» th*' r»H>i»le; an«l \\e nre in ; l:iMor <»f anutri liheni! inien r«»:ati«m. ! ron<tirutioital «uaMiiU**»!» «>i th-* u •»i s]nt»« h an«J the |»re4<i». t 'r.V\\T!ON t j 4..V*ix»re jv aml j»erfect .«\>tem »>f. | Tax»«iion §n«i lu* ii,a»iirurat. .1, t«> aho. jlixh it hy whieh ] the prop«Ttv «>f the j»«»«*r is >\iv*Hvely |t:ix««<l, whiU* t»vuvh \ i the r. h i»an's , wre ue'Wr- vnhjwl f«>r »K>>t«Miifnt j or entir«*ly taxati« ti; ue *h»U ther«'fi>rt» «iemami thē «»f Uv\> ♦hat " ill nu»v «'t&>ftually j«uh)««it the i*ro|H*itv «»f «vir]M»rati' iik «m«V ri«*h »*tte *«*ns t«» th«'ir «n»t pr«>i»«»rt;on «»f |u»bl««* hnnleni». while uninliiii; t»t«»iv ltU«r.*l u>!)> *h«» l»«»«»r; an«l ns & iueauv of «lui*t>iH-airln t ihe h»« kin>f up «W Urvt* tnu'ts itt uii«*uh:Ynte«i lantls, a «l»lier«»iitial taxKh«»nUl be levi«»«i in a<i«ljti«ui t«» tli«» lumal on valtiati;»u whieh i»ii«»nU! !>e iti )»>\|K>rti«>ii t«> f«*rtility ot <!m» wml. \N«»«liall also f*vor th«* «*?>- uMi«hi»ent o( a |EradiuitcU tax, and thue expeet U» obiaia am{4e liunla iinM)wtiiif lh«» fo\wament aml at> •«wliil %»tll nt*eef«Hry puWk* improv»> nenli witbwil *ny fnrUi«r oaU* ««tbt
5. V«M mi ear «M (I Uivfl i>ar whieh ajl to*er¥&Bm ia il» $»#»: emmeal mm! all nwioHolM», %rmto jMMI. ; . iidvil(4pea Bp*ei&l daflaiM» 9hā&\ b» * rendere<i i\BpusBibUj, by {»!!, dftg&He> uul mwd«torv Hitu(n. PBOTKCtION T0 HUME INi)USTRIKg 7. We are in favor of>nco«Bifljing ai; hoine «gru.*oitiire and mdairtri«» ( amiai our ivative product», like rkw, ooHea, wool. tohaix , o, eU\ Bhouid prot«cted ami fo«temi by proper tariff retrUiatioa; i*iid aiao it muei be Uie -daty ofthe Guvoxeat, in it« contracts and otb<ir operar iiona, to give prefermee to hati»&ai pro« duct» over imuorteii ame&. LOCAL BELF-G()VKRNJyIEi?t , 8. We deaire i more Viberal poUcy towardti the different iaUnda of Uie Kiiigdoai. out«ide of Oalio; thev ihonid re> f *ive a iairer proportion of the public i on« ve lor the devt>iof)«itefitof their re~ > »»in*«a ,and tive mUi(actirn of th«ir m. In fat*t, the priticipie of ioeal, 'Vt*runu*nt ehonid be extended, {o(-aliiies iuay ehooee the n . t ;:.ipn t m>: of their looU oxwutive »»'tiri-rs, a.id ievy ta*<f» £or t)ie purpose i ,«! i!«. r. \.M«ientK of a pubjir nature. i'!:i.Mi;s*:KV.\KTS. V,. !V'tti»r i:rvy uM »>gubf* thv Ci•ir ~v rv a. Il'» p« : .0 of thf «n<cti.*ii «.f <«. iiu» jr<»vi'iu!n4 4 nt by thf [.ov»pK* H2v«tiild iw vstai>]iHiieii, and no man h|»ouUl in' ailowiHi to ij»»i(i more than oiH» (»HUv <if n hilKt Kalark*s Hhonid U> ad.!<iimte <vn>pcnHatio» for the«irviceH-rt;»idcri*»l. AI! t»xcef>ive>alarifi< «houiii >te reda<vd and all hine <Mirt p or KUiMTīlu»ii« aboli»hed. t*IU>TFA TiON T<> THK LAIJOi:KING C'LASSKS i*. AW «iiall <»ndor«» ;;H tn*»nM:re t<*ndii;>j trt i'iij>rovi' thf »t»iit!iti<m <>f the <"law«f<H, aad istly, willi<mt injj;ring any ve«ted rijili!j<. Vc wfil 'ulv<M'at<* Ihwh to prevent al'. Jurther iuiportation or employu»ent of M-ontract-)aU>r of any kind, 111*011 <*oi» !iti<mp whieh it int<» a ruinoua aiid d<<gruding <'oiiipctition wiih We llawa j ian or whiU* lubor. We sha!i al*j. m tiie i..toresft of.the lvtt<T omhdtluw oi the |KHir. SHk ior i\»or<' lib»'ral <»xen»ption <»1 tlu ir pr»pvrty fr«»ni f<»rcf«i aale <»ii ex c< uti »11 :»n 1 l'iou» M.M/ur<- ltt<uhriij>t<-y j»r»MV< l:nj;. SMALI. KAUM ; NC« AM> lIOME vsti:a:»S; : ; ;^--' V' 10. Tl»e woaiu»y fna ;mn 01 <»nr j»opula.ioM hav»" li»t!j< rt<► pivu'!;tt*d th<'»it veiopin<'ut <«i an h»d(»iH'itd<-ut <•*»«►>• 01 <-iti/i'ns; »'t<* pul»:u- !niidw hav<- »h-<mi «<<|iiinHi and | i.avf Ut*ii t:<ii up in n itw bndh or i'ar*"elivd t<» Miit favor.t«'«, Miui xiuai fari!M*i> b.;v(? Iwn ■ju» Uv (t»riH»rttioiii or <-4»R"tbin.iti<»ns of t , a»»»t«.lt> l > : l>ut ;i?« <»n:ali ft.rmlnjjr is <t»nliuive i 1 itv ».f the Mate, it I<* «•w<vuram , «t t»v a iu*w >*ud ir.«:r»» lIIh ral HomoUinl :ut M bv wlu-h t!iv o.wiH TKhip ««f tr?vtf o. land aud th<» m tile<tietit tVii*r<H»«i of fa(»»iVu*i» . •>1 «»ur ■pri*H?nt j«»pnli:tiou,— aiui <>|Hxi:ili y «»f t"ue iiHtive llanaiian» who h:<ve lH*t*n K*fi alu»oHt honie«<-stt in llim'tv«niry~»*h«»i.M Im' ren<l<*red in»ss.bie. To that <*ml, tli<*- l«<»vcrninent an«l O*own jati«'*, ; in n> f&r as <an Ih* <U»ne witiiout invad»n>r rijrh;?< ) shou!d tiedevote<i M) wu»n 1« to h<uu<*teadp. and tt>n.««rnHl m«o» * K)na-fide »etUera (nv <«f l,i\<'« fnr h limilftl |wnod. lt fliouUi be the furthef aim t»i |p»vernmenl to, at onee, w far ituprove the nieanii nf tran*}»orttkMi,—loeal, nalionai iiini internationdi, —to i>rovkle, in all the dietrkta, oiieap menni» of t-onvey-ing the produrt o( the aoil to market. KLKCTS)*AL RIUGT. 11. We hoh' that uprijr*u ~nd hoaaai BianhotHi, am* not the powee«>ion of WeaUh. arbitr.irily fixed, ihooM eoo«tiihe rijiht to v<>te for nob(«a n» well ae rppwnt*t!v«, and no bkh* patw »h<»uH lie am»rtleii t» the ha!k»t of Um ri<-h nw than to the ballot of the px>» man. The di«erimit)atioa iu fevor of weairh now ma*W> in otir OMMdituti«m 8 <xx»trary to nll the et»-mal |Mriartpkca of ri«rhl aml itu>tice amlmuol heaholmh<hl, To Uki* e»i we wtll fav*r a level«* i».,- of tha preeent »lifti >cti<»n of wealih * a»i<l clai«K*f< whieh hleminh our iawa wilh wpinH of the rijH»t t<> for !**• hle», tlierehy ret«U»rinjs U> the natire Hawaiiana privile|pM« «hieh iiertaia %o them in tl»eir own ronatrv, and of whieh th«y have hwo aa*uotlv <»t»rive<l. INTKRSAL IMPROVKMKXTB 1S We uvor the expeaditnre of eiani nnae to secare * aamb*r «f aiwN pahlie i»)miVMMat» «ililia Md«tNr Muml»; «M, faiī«ailt aad harhora and «rhar*««, paUk 'imhi, aod alt* a lhoroa|eh ayateaA. «f m»rvaiie aad «aiW'ioHi», not oaly tar llaimhhi, bat thruaffh*out th« other laHanla.