Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 412, 17 Malaki 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tiiat ■Pu£;ir«iv will not a'.luw a re|jublic to l!'.<ni'.ed here. Timt.il was a heantiiul Kiirhrio see'lhn Avi)alclN)alM t:ikinjr t»iT th<KU|)j>lies of fresl) vcg( tablt'B and M. l\ stnff. That K\ J„ko is iioing to lake losso?,* In et«*iK>j4r:?i>hv yv> as to f|Ualiliy for ff siiort haiul repurter. It pava l>etter than ru!ining a iiuwk|»aiKT. That sim£ the startir,g of tl»e s«uvrt h:ind rei»ortvr in the Law i't»urts, the [>oor elieivts niuy have be« n :ttirig in r- law for their u»o!iey, but e<'rtainiv not iuore jus« tiee than W -fore. / Th;;i the vvork ot elosing uj> Ohin* eso (ilon n smll jz«» on, and that the eosi)nH'reiai a1 mosphere of C'hinatu\vi! wilī 1 e the hetter therefore. Tliat the eitizens are still vvaiting lo know who >»ot the dredging eontraet. or who in poing to bo»s the dredjs«?r.-Th« eitiiens want to knoir do they ? The eitizens be d ——d. ' Tliat within the next i\ventv vears ihe ft>r.owing countries wiīl have lolloweii suit, vix: Kngland, (i«rninny, ltalv, Austrin: — the i>oluical Editor of the Advt?rtiBer ean f;n:*h the list. ~ • 1; That the Bul)etin was going })üblisit the rt»ult of its anti(]uuri&n peBeaiehep eoncerning the "enginery'' usevl in the geventeent c^ vnt«ry; us originnl story, however. t»H»k up t«io uiueh rooui. ThH Hon L. A. Thurston fr\je* Kant tō arr«nge term* at Ihe Ohi» eagt> exi>osition 4>r a niiniatur« erj*ter to be Btarted at the Columbta Kxpo«ntjon, counectetl by underKn>und iiiean» with tbe grt*te«t v«»leano of the *orld— Kilauua, whieh is now excJusi|*ljr Uie pro p«rty of the Vole®no |>ust.

Th&t wH&iln ttw im fmam the ibllowin|{ ooonUri#t will ti Republie: $p»in, Pc*iugai Belgtuta, Holland, Pen»ark, Noriray, Sweden, Cahadft, Anctralia« New Zealand, the Cape» Katal, Cuba. . .j : ■■ ■■■• That the t|uoBt proaperous n&iioua 011 the face of the earth are repub- - lie», for l T nited States of America, Kilanee auel S\vitzerland. 'K'Oiitruat thnt with Hmwia, Ireland, Spain. I'ortt]gal or Turkey*. ■ -■ ' "- ■... ' \ 1 That to-day i« !{egatta day, and ' !cv«?rvhtHlv uill attend tli" >how. jWe thc nports will lv ] »!itable to tlie- : i a aiul g v ■ ph»a- • j nurc« to thc patrotiB »»f the day. j | | , | That the |Hullet:n if» c:v||.p«*•,£■'. : anew sj»ell|ng Huok. >K a l.»:o is■] j content to follow \V« beterV 1 .):■«• i i >n j lary. lf Bulletin lo<)kB ap««n vt ] j will fmd s>ijjh a word as u m.' i"r . rhmr as wpll as u uionarc , iiic;J. ,f i Thai whon Sir is.}vvīti A vnf-ld! was here o i thc .Bt?» nier He'; ie. j one or tv.\> 01 our IT nv.*:i •.» .!i t,ftic.;u. ,and as inanv 01" our shoddy, would | Im» aristocratß fclt so elated at being J patronized.by the j;eniunc ari»t«>j crrtit that thcr attcjftptcd,io givc »Sir j iCdwin a gliTiv.p«<' .of thi- Binu<»siti<*s j <»t tlh' hula kuia la Ilawaiia 11 *!ityh'- •; on tbe dcck <>f stcamer Aura.