Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 412, 17 March 1892 — NEWS SUMMARY. [ARTICLE]

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■ ■ .w It takea & fence six niilee long l> eneloae the WorkTs Fair atChicago. All the atriicture« are to be «f extrsordinary <Jimensioi»«. but the )argest of thera, on whieh the fouHdation work ha« just been completed, will be soniMhing Mu* pendouB. The «ite for thi» va«t building is a broad, highly RitUated plaieau overlooking tli«» lake. j Baron Hirsch is >aid to Iw worth I £20,000,000, whieh immenue fortune was nrade out of oontracts for buildin(r Turki»h and Traiißylv*ni a raiiroads. To th«' j:roat !surprise of Euroi>can financiir-«» l theae roads paid frotu tiu? d;\y t they were ojKMit*d. His latcst onterprisee were < t»qually gucccsHful. According to rcp<»rt. he givce avvay £2(W,(K)() every y»\ar The ngors of fainine liave l>c >n kecping KuPsia, and conBequentlv the re»t of Europc, c»>niimrativcly quiet 8o far a* military operationB are coneerned ; l».ut now it is w!uspered that thc (iovt'ruincnt is cxamining its facilitcs for transporting trooj».s, asul has ordered ihe meeiieal Btndi'ntK nt KieH' to cnter the arniy. Ail eyi*a are turii«vi Rumiiaward,-a.nd--tiiequei v iu.. Wlial ncxt ?