Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 412, 17 March 1892 — FALSE FRIENDS. [ARTICLE]

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Tho Libt'ral inc]uiiing the J. f.. had nt the tiine of formation in thoir eiubodir.iont ofprinciples an indefin«ite coiitinuunee ol the u monarchy" an<l to a man • woulil hav<vBtoo(j for tliose principlep. Ilul the offi:r was S|mrnd, coKlly thru6t aHul<*. Fiirt]irrniore th« Qu( en ;mtl her iinm(Miiate to:ulio8 of the court <li«l in their power to annihilate thr poiilieal forccs of tnis patriotic party. A prevailing "I'alaoe nif»tto M wa» <iown \vith thc I.ib<'ralB, keep thein out of piaee anJ power, whaVvor the conse'juence, \\ <hK-s uot rr<jtiire a |h rson with a j?iaps eve tu sw ihat a "m«>narchv" of a thousan<i vears is to <lay a totteritvg < <lifictt soon to oo oome a nvass of ruins, ;rs it is eaile<i on all s!<U j s. Tlve groat rata vin" c»iltivatoil hv ! 'jk".i <»f the Wihon, Nowlein an»l f < l< <:horn atri[>e, has grown ar->ut:<l I ,the Btāhvart tree. 'Kuekeu'' its vital.« ! an<l all will euine il. wn toprethcr—-j true 'tis a pity, tis a pitv. 'tis truo j Thoso men, who niay in b<* as falBc fr!en<l«, will mvt he 11)0 ! rst w!io of thoir owm groo<i, luwe wpoekeil the fortunofi of a Quik?ii. Kaiakana ]oft tlw t|irone <>n a firm ba:?is, uml it is not cven | now too late tor<*metly the iui]>en<i- j ;ng (loetruct!on of h.i»dyi.i)'g wis!iea—! iho wind was »owu, and tho whirl- • wimi is ri p * for the reaj>er. j