Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 412, 17 Malaki 1892 — ACCIDENTAL DEATH. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1 The aecidental death of the Japs | at MakaWeli froin an alleged' preJ matnre exploBion of £iant powder provefl tliat the planters put men to work on johs wliieh they are j aJapteti to. i j The handling of powder and biasting of rocks is an art requiring | training. jf three steam ploughs I had heen hlown up instead of three humah ix»ingB the Manager wou!d 1 hegin to cohsider that it might l>e i ec6noiny to pay a skille<i white; man to handle explosiveB. \Vbat i i are ihe insjK'etor6 ahout that they do! no't. ohj<?et to their countrvmen be ing pvit to fiuch w<)rk ? Hut we I h.id\ilmost forgotten that thoy are ] paid h"v the phinterfi, or wiiAt is ] tii< saui<*, hy the goverutneut, an<i j ean aff<»rd to luok on in Hilenee.