Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 411, 16 Malaki 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
I'KINeiPLK OF (iOVEHxSMENT AND CONfjTITUTIOS . I. W? deem jthai a!l Gowrnment sbouUi be ,fonm!e|l on the priuciplee of l.iherty, and Praternitr; ve hold tbatali men are bo>ru freeaadequal liefore the law and are <Hid wed with inalienahle ri*hts to life, to liberty, to propertp. to thu pursuit of happioeaa an<l to fM>lf<protectlon ag*iinst ai4Btrarv ceneentration <4 power, imaponeihle weallh, and anfair competitkm. We be lieve thatj«at gwertnneiit exiata onljr by the coneeat of the People. aad that, when it heeomee necesBary for the pablie welfare, tbey map aboludi exwtiaB lonna and t««abHeh Mofeadraiiu«co«B an<l mniuhle ey*tOß»; aad, aa the p**n»nt ConetitQtioa| olthe llawaOaa Kuir dom »evw luu> had the approva! ofibe bntwMUablieKd by iaUmldation and frand for the beaeflt of a vertain daca. thW«lr>re we iaw the Bd«>ption of a aew aad »ore Übeval CorMitQtkm, to trahr secare a OovenuaM»t hi the IVople the JfTWCIABY RSVOE«B _S. (Hir JatUdaJr eye6nai aad Oodeof Frneedoie mael fae eolwitkled to a Umw ootfb wWn, eo ae te aaeoia a ekeaa aad Moiapl adfßinieU*tkKotj«Htire Wl eectarlaa er paUeaa af&it. aH to •ioodw the JudlBa »ore mnrify ree> MHilbbtBtke %ple; awl we are ta atwdA««» nWiallnmauNUiia «I C«^tft^^g^teeeelUwfr»ie*m (Ki>a*KraSHc]* OF THK CQUSTRV *♦ OaMeeaeMeeaUea fortkeiaberea Hgbteaad Meaeul eipinioae of «ibe aa* UwMPkHM, W8 aaniie te ieiUa.Uae |^jj^
*. V.M win UdTite®e« *% to m&M ■■ nmM bf' fs& f waHi mos&mom 10 hombesduhtbij£B 7. WeftreliiiwHr o! e&eotiragUig «P' Ik»m ggneaUore mml UMkaEHoa» aniHll oar aative prodo«l9 v Uke riee, eeflbe t «nol. tobftocb» e«e. ĀoiM I» f»yeiteel*A a&d j«tiper tarlff ABd«ko.li »aei bt lh« dnty ol tfce Uo*. bmbl, ta lto ooatMels aod otiar op«»> ; tkmg, to give |>refcronco to natisaat pto» ' d»cta owr iaiQettedi omk. UX^BEI^-«OVB&N&U£ST 8. We deiii« a more Übeml polkfti> wwrte the Māmwi &***& <£ tfce E>mfr do«t.outside olOahe; tbe* eM& i»[e«ve a{«lfer pMpottloii d <&» £$biic I eoem for fcfae (MeiaMMl tMr.P&» eoHroee aad the of tMr wants. Ia f*cfc, tbe pri&£ipte dbM!, Belf~foverameftt ehsald be eeleaiei, loeeiHiee may ehoowlhe eooei inpomai ol tbeir loeai exne«llve ofßoers, audtevyta*« ior the peepoee ltal im;»roveuaeuto tjl a pubjic n»fcGre. I»U3UC BEBVA2ITB. - 6. Better iewe »hould regulat*the Cirii Servic«. The prin«?ipks of ihe tion ei odH*ers of vhe go\*emiutmt by tiie peuple shouid be eatabHsiied, ftud ao man t*liould be aituved to iioki moi« than *me of o|h)fit t whiiei «alaries ehouki be a<Uquate e<mipeiuation for the<?arvit*es reiuiered.- All ext*»aeive.sa-lark-*,<4iiouid be redu<-ed and all aiiie " curee or sui»er@uous oilūmuhoUai^i. rHOTK(.TIOK TO THE CLASBRB U. We *hall endorse a!l meaeuie tendii;g to improve tlw» eoodHion ol the working eiaaeee, aad tioosequ(M»t:y t without injuring auy veeted righta, we wāi advocate iaw» to preveut furthßr im* portatton or employment of oontract labor ot an; kind» npou eomliiion® whieh will hriciK it inio a ruinotie :uid cii?gradlng competltton with fr#>e Hawa ian or whit« v labor. We >huTI a!so, i& tiie ir.terr«t o{ tl>e better »rote'jtK>e jol the poor. aak for more libfr.vj ese£aptkm oi thfir pr>perty from forct»»i eale on ex :in<i truui seiaurc ia ba&kraptcy pro:*eeding. KMALL VAHWSii AND HOME BT£ADH. 10. The wealthy (ractioa oI oujpopdb> •ion havehitbertopre\Tentedthe<k!¥ek»pmont of anindepende&tc)an of eiUMa: the pnhlie lande have beea anquimd and have been tiod up in a few kanēa or parceiled to rait iavorttoa. aad nal laneen and pfcaatf*e bave bee& drivo& Mt bv «sorporat4ons or {onMuikiai cf «ykitaii»ta; bnt aa *maU iaraiiiig ia eoe> J«civ« tothe etabilitv ol the Btnte, lt ahoold pe eueounwnl hv a new x«l •iore liberal Homeetee»< *act, br wheli theowr efshii ol «mai! ir*ctB of Uuatd and the aettlo»cnt thereon oI of onr preeent popnlatioi:.~ and«epecialS ly ol the aative liiniiiaa wbo k»it been left aluQrt honoina ia OionooMh try-ahoukl be naM pooaUp. *Po tMtend. the GormuMit aai Oown iudi, ( m eo fjir ae ean be done witho«t ves*ed r%ht« ) 4»oM eaaaeoon ae poariMt to hnms*»wte. and oottfemd «|o« hoiia Bda wHlm fwe of taw for a linilM Mmi. Uwi&M beth* fertlMrttMttoA«yiM» ■MBt to, at «we, m ter InpeM H» hhm ol trawBpart ||o> t >wri t ul)n> ml |rt|iymtfniinl hk W māmm wWWMHi""!! w JHVf KLBOIOttAL RIHOT. 11. W* ImM tfeat nwwlwwwi. aad wt Si gwaiBūiaii ei wettfcluartsitrM«yft«*d, *Mpltewti ler iito miiß|i iIwMW \eiiiillMtS» T3L{<S «M MK iM I» lht Mtet *t Htt pMrmi. 111111111 laim o(«aiMisofßink e*r Omililai 1« nnnliinlA aBlSi ilaiiilMlaiiki ed. imi> !s -»—>*- > * wum eMoßee WRBBB Httm ewr wa īriŪtiM|Ml«ttt* ikMk nklw a» Hmwaiiawa to inmnAL mntoVK«Ki9 lfo tkfortt» c^f«d^^Brfh 5552S!istiiw