Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 411, 16 Malaki 1892 — NEWS SUMMARY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


There i» moeh BuSeriivg froai fnrahiein tl»e MadmB {Mrewdency v It u v t ui«!ed thit the Hu»ian retrenue for 1892 wit) show adefieit of £3,500,000. | On the MoooUiiMMk I of bariey are «xHivatedattd to perfoollon t lljkOo fe»t itevi Um

An «fiort it Mng msd« to unite ihe oatioQS of Korthern Kurope io one cQBtom« \eagm. A. dtHxree has been i*Boed by tho Russiun Governinent direeting tho rlosing of pub!ic houses on Bunday Thi» puts RuBBia abreastof modern thought in oi.e very popular movement. It ie reported of Edison, that he proiaiseB to run a railway train| betwoeo Milwaukee and Chicago, Ld«ring tbe \Vorld'e Fair, at a speed )of 100 miles an hour by eletric oaotor. Des Moine», lowo, a citf 0f60,000 people wUfeout an open saloon, bas no vacant houae ur store, an d its manufactured products f»»r 1890 exceeded those of iBSB by more than 5,000,000 dollars. Tbe cost of the tunnel under the Thames, about four niilea helow' London Bridge, is to be £851,000. lt is to bē 1,200 feet in Jength and 26 feet in diameter, with «a crown. only eight feet below the.bed of the river at its dcepest part. ! It is said that elevea geiit!enien i met recently at luneh in Shanghae, and, finding t,hat all were total abstair»era, eom pjired experiences. The had eaeh lived in the trying temperature of North China jbr from twenty-five to thirty five years, and not one of thfem had onee been eiek fronu cliniate cause. It is related that i( one day when Martin Luther was completely penniless, he was asked for money to > aid ati important Christian enter--1 prise. He reflected a little, and re(N>lieoted ihat he had a beautiful medal of loanhiiu, £iector of Bran- ( denberg, whieh he very uuieh pnzed. He went imnjediately to a drawer, opened it, andbaid, V\Vhat | art thou doing there Joachim ? | Dot s thou not see how idle thou art Come out and uiake thyself useful. 1 Then tie took out the medal and contributed object solicited for." Have not some of onr readers idle Joahcims whieh thev could send out to do good for the TK>or at home and abrond 9