Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 411, 16 Malaki 1892 — JUDICIOUS ENCOURAGEMENT. [ARTICLE]
Whiie we are studying the ways to make jud ieiou 8 eeonoiaieal < bangee to iuit the exi>eiiBeB of our government to the re<luc<:d ineonie of the ronntry, we sbouM tiot forget that true ••ci'noinv not c>nly !ays in r reJu< tiou V»ut a!so in the ujjhui!di»!g of tuo wariiivg indubtri«'S and tlife encouragH!«eht of dorriiiant pro ducts of t iie soil. whieh are unde» velo|WHl for tne want of eiiterprise and puhlie ppirit on the pārt of eapita!ifltH and <>f the gi>v<Tinnent both of whom have heen hobn<)hbing over the one idca, sugar, sugar—molasses. There are ot hcr indu«trie« whieh, we feel apsurcd, by proper fosteriag on the part of the govemm>*nt, bv boi ntys, ae if« done in the Unit«d States, eueh os coffee and tobaccr>, ean be māde to oversbadow sugar in the future. ■■ The million acre of lava and rich deoompoaing soil that embrace the larg6Bt portion of llar,aii and Huui, 80 well known as hi?<ily »uite<f to tbo culture of either of iheae plaute, will bring in a revenueto thecountry that will rep«y any advar ct nade as encouragcment to sm;ill farmers (hever to any *hydra-he-d--ed eor[K)nition These lands are laying idle;f«r thc want of capital to develoj>e theBe industrieE, and many of the |>eople who are leaving by evcry mail ateanier, we have no doubt ;vould be glad to stav and take up !«nde for the cuitivation of either. Tbp land ehould be g!vcn away by and bountvs £.iven and alao advanc6B made to lx»nn fide settierß. on easy termn in ordcr to help tbe planter. To encourage u§, as a govemment, we have the exa in ple of al* / mcBt every civili«ed ai»d prm»perons nation in th« world, but uiore especia!!y Franco in the treatment of her oo'onie*, and later of the United frat»»B.