Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 410, 15 March 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That tbo natioiial psl I» bo3liag and wo &ar a will aHae tbat may ha*o tfie e&ot aa did tbe toraaio at Baem. That tbe H<mtka» Pt*at*iiof» k to be isa&agei oa the India labor ayatem at &Heen oents a day per peon.
That mother soil, a wilMng psir of hsndt, &nd a coniented*a!>d braw heart, i§ the best oapiial tbat one need ui bave to overqome tbe dw* treaa, famine and peatilenēe, whieh hab overtahen the nnUona.
That the royal aageati bou6ehold ia to reoeive a th<»rougb oatwsrd oleaniag, and[ we hope that ihe good «orkvil| rmeh the . That there waa a g*th*ring tIM aparta & Hea. E. W. WU oo*»« HMIIW R®tkaa4 yie*toni aad gOBiU were memhei» of the lateraationa]