Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 410, 15 March 1892 — A PROPOSED PEACE(?) PROMOTER. [ARTICLE]
The late mmors of war, and ihe poeBibility of a foerigu invaaion, have, U is cUiinod t aet the fertile brain of Mr. Edison at work npoa Bome meana of defenoo for our almoet anproteoted mboard. Hia plan, it isaaid, ia to 08tabUsh forte «t vaHotio pointa akmg tbo ooaM, in mob of wbiob is p!aood a powor» | fal dMrlogMiormtor t manoed by a| fcwerf aay twoiitgr-ivemen: One ol tbo two wiroa empioyod to htm \ a dircait will run ftom the mmUm to tbt frouod, aud U»e otb«r to a pipe firom wbicb a ilma ol votor % cbarxod wltb otooMitf, canbotbrown witb l«cvifie £noo. io« tbe §rn> tbodjMßM> Uftartod; oad whoa tho feo is wHkii owf ranco» tho «rator ls lmod oa «rHb a wkio «woep from M* lo sldk bofero wbk»b Jt* Hae me|tsaw«j. Hko Medlos of ioo kt dt^bfetaaoi owioni ia t«mod o» to «oadaf 4 lho omlloolo ioosao%lt Aw oooAmhl len*th of ti®« to 4kom tbo «rMo oommand and mojko tbon primoio of war. tbia oan bo made of pr««t*otl' timo oloooi ean dmwi£Str*t*t i bot witb Uioi n«tiu2i6 of the standing roady
gmppla, mt>» ts»diy iaageeffi6teat oogtnas by wbiob to <teslro3reftebc3lber. ihey ar« wUU©g to pay &baloaB sumMfhAt w<w«3ter i« it thai ths be traiiw*nn the Une of OK>ttgiit? It bas bsea wall aaid tba* tbe pUeat£on of »toqtriclty te enly lo its info&ey f pa*t it raay yet baTO to a<& in &e oīoahii »»b« <mrt«o of bim»atidei&iy baebeoi»rttfigd»*B tO«botO*tW»fr6» tfe» ii^ ■ nfr'lT ' ' : ■W»! ww» ■«« WwWi wpwwWK»