Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 410, 15 Malaki 1892 — PICKLED CHRISTIANS. [ARTICLE]
There is a clat« of penona m the <»mmanity whose UBefalness we have just foand out. We never realiaed until now what they were made for. They are struek through with aoidity. Their diaposition is eelebrated for ite erabbedoeea. You find them in every circle. They are etpeeiftlly knewn as faaltfifidm Their tMth are always on edgk Thegr are eritleal of minfartflr t and eheir» Whatever ia deao aot aa tfeaagh thej eooki havedoneitbet> tar. TniMjbM M llke Hf feaUag to them ihe p«tipriet7 going to aome other ehoieh, or reMri&giato ksa oonepieoooa pontk>n. Yea look up<m them aa a aaiaanoe *nd hindranoe. — 4 CkriH-! ian Herald. v j