Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 410, 15 March 1892 — SEA WALL FRACAS. [ARTICLE]

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Ot> Fnday aftoroooD betveeii tbe hours of two and three, * few woi4« were pMsod beUrewi tbe Ovcr»oor of tbe sea wall and a Maeon who was eiup!oved by the govemmeDt to pui the finkbing toucb on said pea wall, whieh wound up veiy diMtroa§ for the Oven6er. During tbe melee there migbt been eeen (if any one waa k>i>king tbat way) two <x»teeUnU viting witb oae aaotber for tbe Bt>premaej f «11 «t ooee, tbe Msaon who waa by far tlM«maUeai ot tbe two wa» aeen to ptek up bie opponenl, •fter he bad Ufed him oot o» tbe wall, aad witb a ovtdio jerk, tbe other moa m%bt waa eeeo torniiig »ev«rml gnmAU eorveo in tfce air, and oame do«ra wi«b a tptei iq tbe waWr whieh migbt b**e beeo beard «ome di»tanoe aw*y, t» tMt tbo epiaah, wu&uēnl mm of i whaie br»eohiim. A yar» ««s |p* «Bg tbe ronnd yettetd*y to tf* ef&ottbattbe maat boad maa v ofa whakr wbo wa» Uytcig apmek to tbe reef Umt aAmom. m|d«l: Hww»bebreeobee w <l«ite a oommoUoa oa tbat wbator fer a liilb whUe. Tbeaaid Ovmoer flndiog btmeeif in tbo water, Mrtaiily out of hie ehmeol, be eaet a bivd eye riew aromHi to ftod oot if poaeiUe hie whoraabout«. ?ith tbe i!)tn?tkm of taking vovoofe on tbe oi»«who had ti» andacity of pladi>g.bim iti»ueh

4 perdkamont. Bni lo! And behoidefehehadeo)leetedliifltboaghta Biii&d«f»tly to «ohre hii ritu»tkm, bis opp(ment w%P*onto him witb ftvo in hia e?«fl to f(iTO him a aoa bath <gr«atly againat bit will pr©* •«nuibly) and to finisb wbat bo (hia opponaat) bad in storefor hlm. Bniiog him by the haok of the nwk with oiio hand, and witb tbo other the aeat of hie pants hooommeaoed to dip him in and oal ol the wiM, (by way oi baptkm it is <£11 be nioil of felt, bia timo bad cott6 and hk dbooki wa® nq«nd «f btm, lmt I» tbe time)y aaoMui» iendgjodlqr mmmol tbo w«rking. men wbobaf?ened to be near by waaia 4» hākii of ealliisg men ®nt ofthere &ati*,fer the loaal piwa» oaHon «klm, koowifig woll tbat iMlkeo aa a geti*ral rok were good aateiod poopk and would etand abatiag tepoaee aako than reta< lkto. Tln iittle Maaon haa lived among tbo Hawaiiane for twelve or thirteen yearB, and bave managed to get along wUh thom. More Anon.