Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 410, 15 Malaki 1892 — "PATRIARCHAL" KAUAI. [ARTICLE]
TfeeabQseof the Crova Landa pilmil» i» nw>ki» aa eoa»pl> OMHM 0a ltQii. Hhml limli of Mm, Kekah* WaiMA aadM«kaweH, aw «il Md sadar Immm £pm Uw Gi9vb lanhi |pOTinti ■tonw»> mi l»vi pnēmai i w» «r IaMM eonnamnU mhkk ia pfiUj trrao«ijrftMllMr«xftolkmioo4stftr Dm Ivitb lahM or Um K(3rptUr. I«z4kmBr <rf ©fcL Thn ■otihji tkm «I iQ9r«ltf, — oxprewed takw made fc> p*op tip tba* daoa*ing in* ■♦iliiHon k lb« nnniilr«* i*Ada aio to bo mftuipokted ft» tbe ftpooial iaaaAl of nyalty in.UM fint plaoa, *M ftr tbo more eepaoial bteilt<lgyri paraaHaa wbo ftre iatandod foMv» nhnsty oeoia to b? roj*ity. Now Mmn (hi p*oplr ««• ta tqr Ikii f>nninc «f
Crown Laodi Ip middlenten. To wnie. a fair commetitftrr on 1W sabject wouid occapy a good Beiged voiume, to we must content oiirselv6B with a taere ouUine. By tbe trantfer of tbe Crown Laod« to a leMee, the nmtive lhring on the lands become U»e eerfs of such leeeee. The leaeee by paying a cer tain sum heeomee the al»olute dit> poeer of the people. Let us go to Patriarchal Kauai for a few il2ustraUons. When Gav aad Robineon became keeeeeol Wai*nesCrowa Laade, they exercked all thsy feadatory rigbte oUiaod by Um Kbf but with thiediffemee tfeat wim tbe King dimct the people «ore nerer preeecd orhar>eeediftferecgli mi«forUKio Of e*h«rwhe th*y ««• «nabk to pay, eed tMr moto»te reiite «reve fixdL Whon tb tnet>' f<*r <«f the loaee te Gay ud Bobs&> eon U»ok plaoe, tfee people «N« ot ouoe friven to uode»tand tnii on the lands by su£erance of tIH» inen («eeeee. Not a day was lost hf the men holders of Waioiea k |»«rButng their victima. H6ffgnArd & Co., the loeal storekeepers, had a few square ynrds of the ean* dy beacb fenced in for etoring iumber. (or whieh the King receiTed the ample rent of eix dollars a year; Oay and Robineon at onee on becoming Jeesees, raieed the rent of this eand*lot to thirty do!lars. NativeS were treated in about the «ame etyle by having to pay increaeed rent or go out. They had one alternatrve leH and tbat wae to *.*efaip M at the leeeeee own offer oi weieee. Chineee who were plantifig rice bad tbdr rent raned year by year from |2fio dollare nnder the K2ng, to a 4emand of elomi hondredonder tbo leeeeee. are a few mild eample6of t 'PaU s mrchal n Eaoai whioti the A4wtiew will not«antoDotba ae th#y are the work of ite own pat*OM.