Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 409, 14 Malaki 1892 — SATURDAY'S CONCERT. [ARTICLE]
The concert given «t Kawaiahao Ohumh on Saiurday io &id of tb« Kauni Indualri»i Behool. an Rudi6it<Mt whieh iU«d tbe •paciouB «dtOoe to or«rfiowinf. Xho promotera of th«eatorUin(nent ean be congratnlated oo Um &ot thatit*ra«a maaioal aa wall as a Ananeial auooaM; fbr it ean ba truthfully said that in point oI vocal and inBtrumontai «Koelloiioe, th« soloi§ta eooki *&Dmr wttb aooeptanee before a ertttel audleQoe in a muoh larger oil? lUa H«iol«la. In th* i&idet of ao rauob thAt is d<faervinf of eulogjr it ia sooiewbat invtdiou«to pneiieulaHee, but we eannol help out Mke Pal« ** entiti«i to apeeial aienUoa. The frand aria "Jtq|oiQ# §featir" from tbe Kee&l* waa wadet»J wflh eweelew 4«i eepnealmi Buited tp tbe vida. Miee Zkle poaeeaeei a m*sio|-M>prano voioe of
in ooiikiM to ibe &rie of Ihe oratono, an4 eerved lo dkplay her lower noke. | It ia sa&> to say that no sucb remlering tbia eweei Booteh ballad haa been heaftf here for yeara, and thia wee er!noed by the audienee demanding jret another eiH|ore. Mim Kolte and Mke Holme® aoquitted tbem&elvea well, «nd m»ponded to Ihe appre< dtion of the audienoe. Ttie poem 011 the death of the Duke of Clar-ence-not on the programe waa not io good*taste. waa in faot a aiekly panygerk on royalty. To apeek of Death i 4< daHng"to viait a royal Prinoe ia too mueh īm? the average man of thia Age, we were fearful leaat by any fiight of poeie fancy we might hear of TranbyCroft. For ourselvea, after u lifS» fitful fever t " we,hope wiih geod old poet Vaughan to weleome "Dear beattte>iea death, the Jewel of the Jesi." The ehomiwa were well rendered, eapecially ihe pieoea M He Pule" and "Makai Wapio. M ; The young ladiea of the Industrial Bchool who appearedin sublie for the firat time have aweet voicca. and appeared to moat advanta#re in the "fc'lunjber Bong," but the '' RpUi ng Omaa-'' _ia but a poor adaptation bf Sir H. Biahopa M Hark to the Indian Drom" whieh ia composed for four voicee, and «« a rew-, m »ot suited to female voioea alone. The aong marked "Queen Liliuokalani/' and »aid to be eomfN»ed by Mra. Haalelea, ia aa far a$ the chorua ia cenoerned, an old mina* trel song "eome where my love liea dreaming * I We have pienty aweet 61d Hawaiian aira, 80 there ia no aeed to «ieal old American minatrel aonga and aay they are eompoeed here. Dr. Marcuae we hope will stay wi ih us until the eccentrie action of onr latitude ia determmed and if ao we may hope to enjoy hia vibrationB 01 the king of inatrumenU T for many yeara. Hia rrndering of Hamlela was Buperb. i McOrew never played ao well in publ*o aa ahe did on Saturday n'ght, av|d that ia aayinga great deal. but Miaa Dale played her ae? companiment, and aa an encore gave a < laaie geui from De Benot. The Buyal Hawaiian Orcheatra ezcelled iteelf under the only Bbrokr. who~ played for ehomeae and aoloa on organ and piano and gong, and every oiie left, hdtter fer the inapiraUon of two and half hour of good muaic and hayiiig awiated a detervlng inatitution