Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 409, 14 March 1892 — THE LATEST. [ARTICLE]

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An at«.empt.. w. he.ir. has been made to obthi:< ihe (jueen's signature to a new treaty. wherein ehe consents to the annexation of the group to the Tnited States. The request does not eouie from her native bi)bjecU. but fro .1 a number of foreigner» wh<>«<' \uuiing intereslfl are ezpected to be largelv benefited by the transaction. It is also said that the Ministrv favorsl.be treaty. Her Maje»ty. deeming herBelf only the Executor of t.he . Will of the, Naticn, and tnat wnx not having j been manif«*ted B>ifficiently clear | to hcr as favoring amiexation, her j Maje«ty very Bensiblv declined to sign, and though urged for an entire day 8ti!l pergisted in her refuaal. In the meantime. the rauiping, roaring lion is in a hypnotic Btate, due to the electric optic power of 1 the eagle. Her Haj«*Bty. however, the advice, tendered aa a prelude to make the above negotiations aeeeptable to our great and good friend. to remodei the royal household on the austere and democratic princi* ple recogni«ed in all progreseive co<intries, Court maids will be unmade and new onea created to fill tbe plaoee of bonor. New Chamberlains and a new Private tary wiil take the plaee of the old royal domesticB, in fact. a general rege«eratior. temporally will be the order of the dav. This secret moyement by Ihe select and favored ones to circum vent the masses, hae given inomentam to republicaniBm.