Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 408, 11 March 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
I . I ! Tlmt th« Kalakaua Mo»»ument| Frau<ip will iueel on the level und i : ; ; i try U> purt on the square. , ! That a Honoluia Bobby ia a j «i«nal for •gai«blert to gathei up j thefr tools and vamooBe tbe t. • That Louf»iaim 'Lottē'rr< gāraes jhere have had full control ofa porjtion of the wacbinery of thie | ernment. -■ I That Baker i* ready to do whal ' jip rißht, but the two Saui> object' :°n the groah*l that th»t vrou)d be a itraig'ht. l Tbat the Chim*e, with ali hi» maionp of nK«rality, ?avs rtiat the oht**fa has be«n allowed to go U*> far. 1_ : . Thit H Caplaiiv was dispatcbtd to den, whieh wat a 6ig& for the d«n i and Chi»»ett to pnBt4fT in to tmoke Hi yah! I
That tbt ns«» from the men ofwar in port 4*ere Qvidcntlv from the green mountains ofVermont, — but the stuff !8 all there. ' That tbe new hotel on Nuuanu Str«et. owned bv an Asiatic adinirer. will Ue coiled "Crook'» Roost, M c»r "The l)evil Uke th»* Hf«t. n Thit» is a -free.adv. I
j That gpirit of socia!i?ni raiupant •in Berlm, took| posae£giou by eiee- ! trical afiinitv or of m>īiiā-of [our AnarchiBts at a late meeting |as the news reached us last T'ieg« ) : day. ■; : ; That blowiri|r about tighting is an j of- only a certain amounl of br|ute force, and that . wiien 'mel with the aaine f*>rc9, generally winds up iiw a fizzle. ■r - ■ | That a poliee officer, a H;; waiian, i ■; is likely to be diBcl»arged for l»eing | too aincere in hie arrest of a priI vik»ged gambling oeieBtitil. That | the order to arrest eanie from -the 1 8upreme C'our|, othervvise the €hin!ese would lvav| known h"and !of what: was coming. j