Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 408, 11 Malaki 1892 — MODERATE DRINKING [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


! A moderate driuker* b<came • | very angry with a friend who ar-1 {gued that B&fety wae onlv t<» ; I found in total adstinence. ••■Wliai, j | sir," eaid he, 'do you think I have -i i lo»t control over iny3elf?" •'I do not i j knowwas the reply; "but i"t U8 [ put ft to proof. For the next six : months do not loueh a drop/' I The proDo6al wa« acctpted. He kept to his praiivise. «,nd at ihe i |close of ihe tnne ht- «ai<i to his < ; friend, with \ears in his <yes: "I 1 believe you liave saved ine frooi a UlrunkardV grave. I never knew | before vhat 1 waB in any senae a[■ isla\e to drink. i»ut during the iaBt 'UKinih I have )ou&ht the tit'rceBt battie <>f iny liie; Had the tcst beeiv lried latvr on, it iiiiehl have been Un» late \