Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 408, 11 March 1892 — LIFE. [ARTICLE]

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The mere lapse of yeare i« noi life. To eat and drink and «leep, to pavn round in tbe iniii of habit, atvd t»»m tboiight ustoan impicment oftraiie. this is not lifr. Knowledge truth, iove, beauty, goo<lnegs, taith. 'hope. alone ean give vitaiitv to existenoe. The lauph of mirth that vibniies through the heart— the tears that freshe!i ttie dry tra«tes wiihin—the mueie that brings childl)ood haek—tive Drayer that ealla t'ie future ncar-—the hard«hip whieh forces \ib to the »trugg)e—-the anxietv whieh ends in truBt, are the vital nourishment of ovir intelectual l»cing.—L\fe