Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 408, 11 March 1892 — TANTALUS ROAD. [ARTICLE]

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iho R ( Ao /ei'ii?»'!" >poaks ap p.rovin>rly of ihe Mount Tant.alu* Koa-d, and the «>uptTior wi«dom ol tlie Minit!tor of Int» rior in building it> 11ot only as an accumodation t*> the pe<»ple but aleo a* a eure and protitable inve»tnV'r *. \Vith <-qual sen»e the «aine u ay be »aid of the road partially built around lhamond Head. While admitting the pc»sibie advant»ge :o the puhlie and to tlu? govern'.uent in the next ono hundrt-d years. iu the enhaneed value of property. ac., if the country doeg not go back to the priniitive days of fifh and pt»i and a maro for a state drees for all

gemiers, we oaiinot agree, however, wilh the wi«io!ti of huilding new aml ex|*ensive roa«lf in an uninhabited Bec.tj"»n of c<Kintry biin|»lv for the a«'eoiuo<lation of a iow wealthy l*aniilit».s anel for the oj»i)ortnnity ol p]acing laiidß in the haivdi? of epe<ul:\tors, as undoubtedly would have been the cage had lotg V>een sold at ptiblic auction as intended. Mcney iiae not been i»lentitul in t(ie and othor and u>ore neeesbary works ānd ini|»rovcmentB have been podtponed and neglectcd. where there were urgent detnaud» for it, for thirf reaFon we niav claKs the building of fancy drivers, *c.. af> noneenm

Mueh iiiore and justice woulel hn\e hwn (liBpl.iyed ir> cutting eioH ii tlie Paii R >ad, eonnoeling ont-ti)ird of ihe oultivatabie āinl habitah)e portion r>f t)iie itj)ar.<l hy a gowl carri.ige vvav to the cit v, where people aro iieeesHitated to uos# over as it boing t he:r only out!et to arid iroin their hoinep, It ie now j alK»ut fifteen ve;:r* hinee the I>egis-. lature ha\ e b|^;>«! i? l»y passed a large i appropriatu>n td .1» this needed ' work. a work that would give a hundre<l-fold more profit to the! peopie and revenue td the govern ment. Hut unfortunately for that large and valuable section of the eountry, none but Il&waiiane and ('hineee live there, whose intereBt and (not Tuxury ae tbe Tantalug road ig allowed to he) would be Buh6ervfnl thereby. We believe that the Knglish dailiet wou'hl crtil a 6ubBtantial ro.id over the 1 aii tu Koolau a pieee of folly, wlnle they would strenuougly inainiain the Tantaluft Zi2ig and Brown'ii lioUlevard flround Diamond Head a« quite the prnper thing, There is a tiuie for a'l thingff, nnd n* vrith individuai? po phould it i>e with goveriunents, that newggity *hould precede lux« uries, and ir, the !ight t*f a deo!ining revnue f.jr tbe maintainnce of he»drd pubh<* workK. we well | be in Kaviiig. without ' eittoer , 'misappr**hen*i»n'' or **mi# | underst:«r*.ling," that iiie Zi/.tj: un j Mt. T;infaluß ar,d ti)v Uoūievar<i i around niaiuomi U»Md. — t;,.uijjfi excellent perhtip*« T»r the f>j«in»' j»ur-1 poflM U»at iiunnih.ii NHfK«ieon ♦ t>uil; rondp <»vVr Alps. ~ | f*vmce it» toi»i li.ne » t o g« niuH ,n th- : butld*<r vf our roud*. nh-i tiiNjr b« c*})ed 6uch. I