Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 407, 10 Malaki 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That whaling Captains and men-of-war men help to keep things iively in the«e duil times. That 9tTeet crosBingsare required ot> Fort Street at the poinl where the ahortToad leadB to the 0. 8. 8. Oo'a whmif; afsp at junction of Fort and Queen Streets. l ' yy.. ~ ■ \~ -'Q)at rfghteojis Abraham thinks that the two 8 un f s are: ' 4 TwoPonJg v?iU\biita &ingle thought ; Two hc»arts tha|t beat as on<*. 1 ' Aiul thnt thev jare ' j That th<? Hoad ]soiird whiie pro- ! ft»ssing te do ri ;lit, forjptß lhat the I first duty itow»-s ia to the Bource j of its authority, and in ar«)nlunee witii the line o' pa; tv prinripli»f. ' That two of he juniors fro.. the ' Suryey I)epartnifnt, artned wlth | stnff and levol, wert* seen «A'e- day i last week on- t ie Kxpliinadc > , aud \ the Bhellbacks rrequentiuß the eity j front huve ? be<»n wonderiivg evt:r 'pinee whut is g >ing to hap(H. j u. | That tho ieg Rlature requirt-d |to free the wharve* at the landing ; plaeea on the ot hcr I6landB. A great deal ot petty t vran ny i* f xereiged ■ by plantation iiianagtrs tow?rds I their employeef and outt*iders. as | regftnls the frt ight landtd at so «■<;alled plantatioii landings. [ That;tlu? "nian on tho stroot v why ihe suhj«et of a rt ciprueitv trcaty between thiB country aud ('anada. Xew Zealand <>r any , of tlie Australian ('okmies has • ■never hiHin ly coiiBĪdercd and ! t ;ilk<'d ahout l y our Chainix'r of • i oiii!i»erce or Cubinet. i That in fhe present ēlaēk tinje, it ' shou ld» be the d ity or the pleasure ■ of the loeal Chaii)ber of Commerce ! to meet occaBBiona!īy and talk over . the present Bitiiation und dovise ' \vays and nieano for inore:\Bing the proBpcrity of th«! countrv. i : """" - : I That the llulNin'a readera are j hoi>ing that tlie cditor wi 1 stop p*dding his with th<*c stato j ciippings Ka«tern Exchangi« | and atart in agakn with his 4 i)ivcr» ] Hific<MndustrieBBerie» ot artudes; | the latter wen» o( uitērest to tlw> fortnrr n.iuseating jfroui their utu«r baidcrtbi(!i, j Tliat \V. H. Cuuūiiiti9i, Hond Sn|»rvisor and Abr FrrnHiidcr, ! tueiulier of ihe Hoard. |iad the eouJrageof eonvietfr>ii 10 appear l>eft>re |tWr t dl«agucB »f |he Ui»eral f Purty lo dear ui>c*rUin Dii|fUMdcr*bic> ihe [* Hy kliMr r«d thr ipimapi Juout By lhtir abT9M* etm HeM »a6r*i<ft appMrwl w«i« e*ofwatod * v «i» »1» •

MOHOPOUKH & We «b*U vmo*x te iliiii laws bf wfekh «M £av»r&fim I«tfc*j9*r Bmia>Bßi i«Hi aiWwooonoUea, tr«lc MMI iidvi)cf(BB to «pinKal - Haiwoi phaii be kmM ImpMwUe, by full» dtffaitt a&d iaai»u»torY fel£tutes. PRC)TKCTI<W TO lIOME C«!)UST!aKS . 7. We ar** in (avor of enconraging al'. home agrit'iitiur(* amiiiHhiHUie#, our naliw 4 ir©ti»H*t4«, hke riw, roffep, w«k>l. toba/ «■:>, eto. fh«>»:ld K* prf>twtod &n<l fosterei! l>y j»ro|**r t«rijf re?(ilaikm; aml «Uo ii H>u«t be the (iuty oi t)«i Govm«nt, in it«'contravto an«i Mther opera» tiona, to givc pwh'nmw! U> nationai |>roduct« over iniuortet! one«. UK'AL SKI >V K KN \fKNT 8. We ikssire a more )iheral pofk»y towarda the «liffer«nt of the King* dom. outai<le of Oaiiu; thev ahonki reoeive a fairēr proport!on of the public moncvi for ihe iievtlopnM»nlof 4 h«ir ra» aourcef an«l tho Bati^fa<!tirn ol tln»ir wania. In iac*t t tbe i»rih»'i|>k of fbcai, fteif-govemm«Nßt ehmiiil be «KMmML whereby giving lovalitiee tnuy ehoMiHi : moei important of their lnr&) executive offifer«, aml levy .tax(>H «or tlie purpoB© 1 <-al imi)rovemeniH of a i>ub£ic naMiee* I»UHUC SKRVANTS. H. Hetter lawh Hhoui<i ivsiiiate the (1vil Sfnife. The prim-i{»U of the e»*«tif>n of ofiicerB of tlu» tfovcrnment by th«« Hhouhi he estal>l»<<hed, aml no 'im» Khouhl lie aliowe.l to hoM more than one of »>roth, « hil»t x&la.riea Hhouiil h»' ad.i(]i:ate coHi]K*naation for thc han'iee* s nMulewl. Ail ivxceHhivf palaritn «houM he wiuml «i«l all eino n.iri-h orfuiterfluoiiH oiliiva ahoiiaheU. i'ii()TKCTION TOTHK LAI'.OIIKINO CLASSKS 4 ,). ; \\V sha4l endorse all mea«ure . teiidiuir to i«nprove tli»* vonditioiiof tlie *ork injr * iml n misHj n«nt ly, with* out iiijuring any'\wtiHl ri£ht«. 'we wftl Hdv<H-at*» laws to provent all furthi«r im» port«tion or employm<mt of contractlaW of any kiiul; upon <-onditions whivh will brin» it into a minoim &nd dt'gradliig eompetition wiih iree Hawa i»n or wbite lal>or. We ehall alno, m the iuterest of the better >>rotection of the p«or. a*k for utor«> liberal exenkptM»i oi tli4*ir property trum ū»rve*l BaU-on ex et*ution.. and from aeuun* i.i hankruptcy pnH-eetlinjr. SMALt ' FARMINU AND HOMK STKADS. 10. Thewealthy frartīon jc»f our popula.ion havehitiu>rū> preventwl tbedevelopn.vnt of an inde)>eiident ela** of ritiaen»;' ■ t»ie puhlu- Imihlp bave K>en and bnve lH*en titnl U|. in a !i w hand« or i>Hn«eibtl t4> (iuit *H\unte*». and f»mal ftiriue» and i>ianter9 bave heen dr*wn »ut by vori>orationF or romhmatio&s of rapitahKts: but aa «m.ilf farminff vonbifive tothe :*tabilitv of the State, it HhonM'.-pe l»v a new **kI a»ore lihvral bv wheh theownersliip of amall tn»rti< of lan<l artd tt>e Bettlement themm rf iamiliea *<f our prej*ei»t »v «d tbe native llawaiūna who haye lnH'n lefralmost homelenā in tl:ere<xmn-try-eh.ouid 1*» mi<lered poro.b!e. To that end, the <iovern'inent and Crow» landt», ( in ho fĀr a* ean be «lone witlMwt invrtdtn>f \-e»ted rifhta } Bhotild bedevotetlao«»oon aa i»o«pibie to h«>mertMMl». and <wiferrē<i upon - bona»fkk »ettlere five «>f ta\ee for a Hmileil period. lt t«honU! hethe further arm nl Bovem* ment to, *t on<>e, ho far.iinpro\f> tW meMn? nf tranrport. tion, —kwel, aaUoa* al and internatM4ial,<—aii providf, 1» ali the di«trict#, eheap meana of conveyinjj the |>roduct of the a»vil to markft. KLECTOIIAL RIH«T. 11. We hokl that aprifhtaad hnnaai manbood, mui not Uie »wmioa of w«lth, arbitrarily ahonl4 cra«t> *b« rij?ht to vwte f<»r nobk« as wll aa repre#**!it»tive«, an< t RO mov« powe* ?hould U» a«vor<!ed to the b*!lot of the ruh min than t<» the halhH of the !»•*»* »*«m. The <li*'rini»nation in favor of w«aith «ow m»4e i» «ne f\oattlntkm ;« e<Hitrary t«» all the eb«rnal prineinhw of rijfbt au<l iuptKv aml muft l>e aholish«»d. T«» thi«s en<l; we * »il **vir a lerel« iiW the pnwem di>«trH-tkm we«lth ; and oiiumi whieh lilemiah our law« with re«>pect < f the rtght to vote lnr no> hlee, t)»erei»y ret*torias to tl»e native liawaiian» piri\ile(NMhhii pnt«ia to thetn in their own cM|trr, mhl of «hirh thjv h?ve been aniu6t!v ueprive«l. INTBRKAL !MI ROVKMKNT£ 4 . • »v X X li We favor the wrpentiitiire of eieoimnM ip.naenee a p»wriM tf firī 1